This animal swallowed a prophet and kept him in his belly in the ocean for three days
What is a whale?
Jesus is the good shepherd, and we are the...
What is sheep?
Jesus turned this into wine
What is water?
I was found floating in a basket in the Nile River
Who is Moses?
I can use it to bless or for evil
What is tongue
In the Garden of Eden, this creature tempted Adam and Eve to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge
What is a serpent?
Because God forgives us, we are expected to do this
What is forgive others?
This man was raised from the dead by Jesus
Who is Lazarus?
My father almost sacrificed me on Mt. Moriah
Who is Isaac?
The Bible mentions the "tongue" in over .....passages.(75, 120, 144)
In over is 120
God allowed this animal to open its mouth and speak to Balaam
What is a donkey?
........... with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
What is Trust in the Lord
When Jesus healed the blind man, he put this on his eyes
What is mud?
I had a dream that one day my brothers would bow before me
Who is Joseph?
This city is referred to as "The Holy City"
What is Jerusalem?
The prodigal son would have been happy to eat the food intended for this animal
What is a swine?
And we know that ........... work together for good to those who love God
that is all things
Jesus miraculously fed a large crowd of 5,000 men, besides women and children with
with is ive loaves of bread and two fish.
My brother was born first, but I grabbed his heel on the way out
Who is Jacob?
James compares the tongue to a ....
What is small fire that can put a whole forest on fire
The golden ______ was an idol made by the Israelites when Moses went up to Mount Sinai after they all escaped Egypt
What is a calf?
No one loves us more than Jesus because he willingly did this for us
What is died for us?
When Jesus was arrested, Peter cut this off of a soldier, but Jesus restored it
What is an ear?
I taught with power in the temple when I was 12 years old
Who is Jesus?
In the song we sang it says "Disciples speak words that..." Name a few kinds of words disciples use
That is comfort, gather, strengthen, bring peace, encourage