a. Virus, Drugs, radiation are examples of this.
What is a Terratogen?
The first two weeks after fertilization.
What is the germinal stage?
Mechanical monitoring of the fetal heartbeat during labor and delivery.
What is electronic fetal monitoring?
p. 75
A fetus not yet born at 42 weeks of gestation.
What is postmature?
p. 84
Embryonic phase, early fetal phase, and late fetal phase
What are the 3 phases of fetal brain development?
Lack of this vitamin can possibly lead to Spina Bifida.
What is Folic Acid?
Germinal, embryonic, fetal
What are the 3 stages of prenatal development?
A newborn to 4 weeks old.
What is a neonate?
The largest part of the brain.
What is the Cerebrum?
An automatic response where infants hold their breath and move their limbs when placed in water.
What is the DIVING REFLEX?
p. 99
Pregnant women need and additional 300-500 of these daily.
What are calories?
A transition time - the first 4 weeks of life
What is the neonatal stage?
The birth process has 3 of these.
What are the 3 stages of childbirth?
The age teething usually begins.
What is 3-4 months old?
The part of the body which is larger in comparison to the rest of the infant.
What is the baby's head.
p. 94
A principle that says development happens "head-to-tail."
What is the Cephalocaudal Principle?
p. 56
This is where the fetus gets oxygen while in the womb.
What is the umbilical cord?
p. 32
The scale used to assess babies immediately following birth.
What is the APGAR scale?
An infant extending it's legs, arms, and fingers is an example of this reflex.
What is the Moro Reflex?
The principle the development proceeds from within to without. (the parts of the body in the center develop before the extremities.
What is the proximodistal principle?
A fluid-filled sphere that forms from a fertilized egg and floats in the uterus before implanting in the uterine wall.
What is blastocyst?
p. 56
Maternal and Embryonic
What are the two types of tissue contained in the placenta?
Lamaze Method, epidural block
What are the two ways to manage the mother's pain during childbirth?
Eleanor and James Gibson
Who wrote the ecological theory of perception.
Behaviors that are automatic, innate responses to stimulation.
What are reflex behaviors?
p. 93