What is the book of Ruth?
Man who wanted to see the Messiah before he died.
Who is Simeon?
He said it wouldn't rain to King Ahab.
Who is Elijah?
David's friend.
Who is Jonathan?
Dry bones in the valley that came to life.
Who is Ezekiel?
What is Genesis?
The evil King that had all the baby boys killed in Bethlehem.
Who is king Herod?
God turned Moses' staff into this.
What is a snake?
Strong Judge.
Who is Samson?
This man was the prophet during the time of King Uzziah, King Jotham, King Ahaz, King Hezekiah.
Who is Isaiah?
The story of Jesus' birth is told in the _____ Testament
What is New?
The wise men brought these three gift.
What is Gold, frankincence, myrrh?
Rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem.
Who is Nehemiah?
Left a red rope outside her window when the walls of Jericho fell.
Who is Rahab?
Daniel was throw into this.
What is a lion's den?
The Golden Statue in Babylon not worshiped by 3 Hebrew boy.
What is the book of Daniel?
This women served in the temple and began praising God when she saw the baby Jesus.
Who was Anna?
David played this for king Saul.
What is a lyre or harp?
Led a 300 man army against a 30,000 man army and won.
Who is Gideon?
Daniels three friends Jewish names.
Who is Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah?
The story of Eli the priest and his two worthless sons.
What is 1 Samuel?
Ordered the census causing Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem to be counted.
Who is Augustus Caesar?
Put in a basket and placed in the river found by Pharaoh's daughter
Who is Moses?
Army commander from Syria that came to Elisha to be healed of Leprosy.
What is Naaman?
Prophet that told the meaning of the Babylonian king's secret dream.
Who is Daniel?