Nephi and friends
Strength of the Youth
Self Reliance
LDS Cinema
Word of Wisdom
Who fled into the wilderness after prophesying Jerusalem would be destroyed
Who is Lehi and his family
When is the appropriate time to start dating
What is 16
What does it mean to rely on your self
What is Self Reliance
What LDS cinema has two Home Teacher's who will do anything to complete there 100% home teaching on time.
What is Home Teachers
When are Mormons aloud to drink alcoholic beverages
What is Never
What did the brother's come back to get in Jerusalem the first time
What is the scriptures
How many tattoos are we aloud to disfigure are bodies with
What is zero
What is something important you can do to get money and support your family
What is a job
"Word of Wizzum" and "Spiritual as Me" are songs from what LDS cinema
What is Sons of Provo
Who did Nephi physically take the Plates of Brass from
Who is Zoram
How much tilting do pay in a month
What is 10%
How was Jesus self reliant when dealing with temptation
What is he always was able to rely on his self to not fall to temptation
Using KFC for a fast Sunday pot luck is not the exactly the Mormon way, what LDS cinema is this from
What is Singles ward
What are the 5 substances we are not allowed to have as Mormons
What is Coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
What did the Nephi and his brothers come back for the second time
Who are the Daughters of Ishmael
How often should you study the scriptures
What is how much you feel is right
How can you be self reliant for 2 years once your older
What is going on a mission
With a missionary losing faith and a googley eyed new missionary work to as one to make it the best 730 days of there life. Which LDS cinema is this referring too
What is The Best 2 Years
What prophet was responsible for the Word of Wisdom
Who is Joseph Smith
Name all the sons of Lehi
Who are Lamen, Lemuel, Sam, Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph
what are all of the subjects in the Strength of the Youth pamphlet
What is Agency and Accountability, Dating, Dress and Appearance, Education, Entertainment and Media, Family, Friends, Gratitude, Honesty and Integrity, Language, Music and Dancing, Physical and Emotional Health, Repentance, Sabbath Day Observance, Service, Sexual Purity, Tithes and Offerings, Work and Self-Reliance, Go Forward with Faith
what is something we have to have that requires self reliance (Hint: Brother Smith's lesson)
What is Education
Getting home from your mission doesn't always go as planned, but in this movie things go CRAZY!!! What LDS cinema is this one referencing
What is the R.M.
What year was the word of wisdom revealed
What is 1833