Months & Dates
There are 5 new / past Olympic sports added for the 2021 games in Tokyo, name 2 of them...
Skateboarding, Softball/ Baseball, Surfing, Karate, and Sports Climbing
Who is Richard Wayne Penniman?
Know as Little Richard, musician, singer, songwriter known for his hits such as TUTTI FRUTTI and GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY.
What was Sean Connery's first movie in the James Bond franchise?
Dr. No
My 2020 vision tells me that 2020 is the year of this be it sewer or kangaroo...
Around 1880 John Milne invented a horizontal pendulum type of this instrument that records tremors
With the 2020 Olympics moved to 2021, how many Olympic games will Tokyo have held?
The first celebrity couple we heard that contracted COVID-19?
Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson
What song from 1978 was a hit again on the charts per a social media post?
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
What is The Floor is Lava?
A Netflix Show
This Microsoft program was originally called Presenter
Chinese health authorities close the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market after it is discovered that wild animals sold there may be the source of the virus.
Carole's Big Cat Rescue has invited which big name celebrity over for a visit?
Kim Kardashian West
What are 2 of the top 10 Christmas songs currently on the top 100 billboard chart?
Answers will be given...
How many total people is the US have contracted COVID? March-Dec. (ballpark)
This hairstyle got its name from its popularity among rowers especially in the Ivy League
Crew Cut
China reopens Wuhan after lockdown...
How many points did Kobe Bryant score in a single game on Jan. 22nd 2006?
Which 2 items did Harry Styles sing about this year in a popular song making him high?
Watermelon & Sugar
Samsung was founded in what year as a shop selling vegetables and dried fish?
This vodka drink with lime juice triple sec & cranberry juice is at home all over the world
What month did TRUMP make a comment about the virus and injecting disinfectant as a cure?
What did Elon Musk, founder of Telsa and his girlfriend name his newborn child born in May?
"X Æ A-12" Musk.
How many movies did Disney release in 2020?
The summit of Mount Everest is around what size? Comparable to what?
18 x 10ft, about the size of 2 ping pong tables...
Item 1 in the Mayo Clinic's online instructions for dealing with a victim of this is Look first. Don't touch