The original, brown, child-singing-sensation (who was part of a British boy band that broke up).
Zayn Malik
She is a renouned Tamil actress from the 2000s
What's Thiviyan's middle name?
Trick Question: Thiviyan does not have a middle name
This clothing accessory has been used as a slang term to mean "lie".
Where did Thiviyan and Thiviya meet for the first time?
Cancun (will accept Peason Airport)
The original, wild, Gemini who got married to a woman with curves (and then got divorced after having several kids).
Kanye West
This type of "key" is often included to assemble furniture
What is the only video game that Thiviyan plays regularly?
You can make a house with this slang word for missed shots that hit the rim.
What did Thiviyan use to propose to Thiviya (other than an engagement ring)?
The original children's book author from Guelph, Ontario (who sold over 82 million books worldwide).
Robert Munsch
The Hindi word for Cauliflower
Which night club has Thiviyan visited the most (and been kicked out of the most)?
You can go to jail for committing this act that involves scamming people out of their money.
What dates are Thiviya and Thiviyan's wedding and reception?
Friday, May 30, 2025 & Saturday, May 31, 2025
The original couple who had the same first names starting with the letter 'T' (and hooked up briefly back in 2009).
Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner
This is the term for Sikh practice of allowing one's hair to grow naturally without cutting
Before discovering he could twerk, what was Thiviyan's special talent?
Making Duck Noises
This nickname for Lebron's son is the scientific term for the male gamete.
Where did Thiviya go for her bach?
Scottsdale, Arizona
The original "brown" licensed social worker (known for her work on vulnerability and shame).
Brene Brown
The Arabic term for the Islamic practice of abstaining, usually from food, drink, sexual activity and anything which substitutes food and drink
Who are Thiviyan's best men?
Kajanth and Jubin
You may need to start your lawnmower or snowblower in this position when your engine is cold.
How do you spell Thiviya's last name? (no cheating)