These dates are considered to be the Colonial/Puritan literary period in America.
What is 1600-1800?
This man brought the folklore and legend tradition to America with his story, "Rip Van Winkle." He also began the genesis of international "English" Literature.
Who is Washington Irving?
Closely aligned with Romanticism in America, the American Victorian period was during this time period.
What is 1830-1890?
American Realism occurred from 1860-1900. This author wrote "Editha," a short story about the archaic values of war, and the supposed values that would unify America.
Who is Howells?
For both English and American literature, Post Modernism generally runs from what years?
What is 1950-Present?
This American author is remembered for their work "A Model of Christian Charity," representing American exceptionalism and providential history.
Who is John Winthrop?
These dates mark the Romantic period in England, representing the French Revolution and the death of William Wordsworth.
What is 1789-1850?
Queen Victoria ruled England from these dates, which also mark the years of the Victorian period in literature.
What are 1837-1901?
These years marked the Naturalist movement in America, where authors such as Jack London, "To Build A Fire," and Stephen Crane, "The Blue Hotel," wrote stories that championed hostile and extreme settings.
What is 1890s-1920s?
This story by the English author Joyce flows as a stream of consciousness story, representing the tenet of Modernism (1900-1950) dealing with consciousness and the inner self.
What is "The Dead?"
Many of the works of this literary period dealt with this concept, representing the need to repent because humans are fallen, but God is kind and has not given up on us.
What is the American Jeremiad?
These Romantic authors focused on nature in their works, exemplified in Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey," and Coleridge's "Kubla Khan."
Who are the "Lake School Poets?"
Serialization of novels during this time period led to this nickname for the serialized novels, similar to a three deck battleship.
What is a triple decker novel?
A major author for the English Naturalist movement that occurred from the 1890s-1920s is Hardy, who wrote this poem about the turn of the century, and other works about character and environment.
What is "The Darkling Thrush?"
"The Road Not Taken" by the American author Robert Frost discusses this tenet of Modernism (1900-1950).
What is avant garde, or High Modernism?
This American author made it his goal in life to rid himself of errata, and be a self-made man, which is mentioned in his autobiography.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
Both English and American authors emphasized the imagination, emotions, and nature in their Romantic literature by this method.
What is the discovery of the beyond?
"I would prefer not to," is the infamous phrase from this short story written by the American author Melville.
What is "Bartleby, the Scrivener?"
This English author wrote the essay "Natural History," discussing the Realist movement (1860-1900) as a study.
Who is George Eliot?
The ideas of "quality over quantity" and appearing to say something when actually saying nothing are two tenets of Postmodernism mentioned in what essay written by English author George Orwell?
What is "Politics and the English Language?"
Characterized as the first "American Poet," this women not only was the first to have her work published, but she also championed writing in a plain style.
Who is Anne Bradstreet?
These dates represent the American Romantic Movement, which occurred later than the British Romantic Movement.
What is 1820s-1860s?
“Bah," said Scrooge, "Humbug.” This line originates from the famous Victorian novel "A Christmas Carol," written by this English author.
Who is Charles Dickens?
This is the main difference seen between realism and naturalism.
What is the focus on the dark side of humanity?
In "Everyday Use," American author Alice Walker discusses this idea surrounding racial identity, racial heritage, and the fact that America is a salad bowl, not a melting pot.
What is multiculturalism?