This person (people) plays Yuri Katsuki.
Who are Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Japanese version) or Josh Grelle (English version)?
This person said "wHy aM i sO bAd At bEiNg GoOd?!"
Who is Zuko?
Name 3 Blackpink songs.
We will check this by looking it up :P
This is what "thx" stands for.
What is "thanks"?
True or False: There are over 7 billion people in the world.
What is true?
This person plays Victor Nikiforov.
Who is Jerry Jewell?
Name all of the Firelords known in the Avatar series.
Who are Sozin, Azulon, Ozai, Azula (kind of), Zuko
Bonus: Izumi
Name Jimin's birthday.
What is May 27?
Bonus: 1988
What is You Only Live Once?
True or False: The oldest noodle in the world is over 10,000 years old.
False! It's only like 4000 years old.
These two people are the creators of Yuri on Ice.
Who are Sayo Yamamoto and Mitsurou Kubo?
This is the fortuneteller (in S1 E14 "The Fortuneteller")'s name.
Who is Aunt Wu?
Name all the Blackpink members.
Who are Jenny, Lisa, Rosé and Jisoo?
Name 3 types of Social Media.
Popular ones include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, etc.
This is the name of the Mars Rover that recently landed on Mars.
What is Perseverance?
What is 23-24?
This is the name that the fandom/memes of Avatar call "Team Avatar".
What is the Gaang?
Name all the BTS members.
Name a fad/something popular that is going around right now/went around recently.
This is how fast was the first person ever who was convicted of speeding went.
A) 25 mph | B) 63 mph | C) 47 mph | D) 8 mph
What is D) 8 mph?
This is the time when season two of Yuri on Ice came out. >:)
Trick Question! It didn't!
Name 6 Avatars.
Name 3 K-pop idols' birthdays.
We will check these by searching them up :P
This is what afaik stands for.
What is "As Far As I Know"?
Bonus: "After Fighting Alligators In Korea" HEHE
Name one person who shares your birthday.
We will check by searching it up :P