
This is the number of rotations Earth makes in a day

What is one? It takes 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.2 seconds for a complete rotation on its axis.


This is the only acceptable answer when you’re dressed for a special evening and you ask your husband if this dress makes you look fat.

What is (an emphatic) “NO”? Otherwise, he’s looking at a very bad evening. There’s a handbook for men titled Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?: A Man’s Guide to the Loaded Questions Women Ask.


Park Avenue, Reading Railroad, Marvin Gardens, and jail

What is Monopoly? The game is still going strong, and there are many new versions as well as the classic version


Women love to wear fancy hats to this Triple Crown horse race at Churchill Downs.

What is Kentucky Derby? Hats became popular at the Derby in the 1960s.


The season changes to this on Thursday, September 22.

What is fall (or autumn). At one time, spring and fall were thought of as trivial seasons, probably because they are transitional seasons


The United States might switch to year-round observation of this type of time that we currently observe between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November.

What is daylight saving time (DST)? The Sunshine Protection Act was passed in the U.S. Senate, and it will keep us on DST year-round if it passes the U.S. House of Representatives.


You run into someone, and you can’t place them for the life of you. They ask if you remember them, and this is the only acceptable answer.

What is, “Of course I remember you”? You hold your breath and pray that they don’t ask you what their name is


“Come on down!”

What is The Price Is Right? Longtime host Bob Barker retired in 2007 but returned on April 15, 2015, for a one-day appearance as an April Fool’s prank. Bill Cullen was the first host.


Stetson hats were originally made for these men.

Who are cowboys? Today, they’re popular with ranchers


Name one of the two September astrological signs.

What is Virgo or Libra? Those born from September 1–22 are born under the sign of Virgo; those born from September 23–30 are born under the sign of Libra.


This round, outdoor timepiece tells time on sunny days.

What is sundial? When a sundial is properly oriented, it is accurate to within five minutes.


When someone gives you a gift, no matter how you feel about it, this is the only acceptable response.

What is, “Thank you” (or “I love it” or both)? It slides right off your tongue without even thinking.


Colonel Mustard did it with the candlestick in the conservatory.

What is Clue? The board game was made into a film by the same name.


These people wear mortarboards.

Who are graduates? The cap, as it’s called today, dates to the Middle Ages.


When you were in school, it’s likely your school year started after this September holiday, which is the first Monday in September.

What is Labor Day? For some, the school year starts in August, but the kids get longer breaks throughout the year.


Our calendar is called the Gregorian calendar. It used to be this calendar.

What is Julian? In 1752, the United Kingdom and its colonies—including the United States and Canada—dropped 11 days from the calendar. It took from 1582 to 1923 for all countries to switch to the Gregorian calendar, with countries dropping from 10 to 13 days. Currently, the world is 13 days behind the Julian calendar


You’re not really listening to what someone is saying, but you know you have to say something, so you say, “That makes [this].”

What is sense? Of course, the other person knows it’s a little white lie.


“Survey says…”

What is Family Feud? Richard Dawson was the longtime host of the show.


You’ll often see a man wearing this type of hat backward.

What is ballcap or baseball cap? The backward cap started on the baseball field with catchers. They wore it backward to keep the brim out of the way of their masks.


This is September’s birthstone.

What is sapphire? The gem’s name comes from the Greek and Latin words that mean “blue.”


People who love happy hour proclaim it’s this time somewhere.

What is five o’clock? TV cooking show hosts often use the phrase when they prepare cocktails. It’s also used when people want an alcoholic beverage before five o’clock.


When you’re driving somewhere, and you’re late, this phrase is the equivalent of “the dog ate my homework.”

What is “Traffic was horrible” (or “I had a flat tire,” “there was an accident,” or anything similar)? When people are late to work, they blame traffic 51 percent of the time.


Vanna White turns the cards on this show

What is Wheel of Fortune? Pat Sajak is the host. The show has aired since 1981. Sajak was once a weatherman for WSM TV in Nashville, Tennessee.


This straw hat is named for a Central American country

What is Panama hat? They’re made in Ecuador. During the 19th century, many Panama hats were exported from Ecuador to Panama.


“September Morn” is a hit song by this artist who also recorded the hits “Cracklin’ Rosie” and “Sweet Caroline.”

Who is Neil Diamond? He wrote the Monkees’ No. 1 hit song “I’m a Believer.”