Winter Comfort Foods
Only US President who...
Time Machine
Love Idioms
Unsolved Mysteries
February, February

This is every kid’s favorite boxed dish made with elbow pasta.

What is macaroni and cheese? Add some crab, lobster, or wild mushrooms and an artisan cheese blend for an adult gourmet side dish.


Only US President who was born in Kentucky.

Abraham Lincoln


This event sparked the United States’ formal entry into World War II.

What is the bombing (of the USS Arizona) at Pearl Harbor? The bombing took place on December 7, 1941, and we honor those who died every year on the anniversary known as Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.


When you’re hopelessly infatuated with someone, you are said to fall head over these in love with them.

What are heels? In other words, you and your stomach flip over this person.


We still have no idea what happened to this Teamster boss who went missing in 1975.

Who is Jimmy Hoffa? Despite a wide dragnet and many reports of sightings, he was never found. He was declared legally dead in 1982.


When February has 29 days, the year is known as this.

What is a leap year? The length of a year is 365.25 days, so every four years, we have a year with an extra day.


This steak patty is smothered in gravy and mushrooms and will transport you back to your childhood.

What is Salisbury? During the Civil War, the military encouraged the consumption of this dish because Dr. Salisbury, who experimented with many foods, ultimately deemed it a cure for intestinal discomfort.


Only US president who graduated from the US Naval Academy.

Jimmy Carter


Color TV shows debuted during this decade.

What are the 1950s? CBS released the first color TV programming in 1951 to an audience without color TVs. RCA released the first color TV in 1954. It measured 12 inches horizontally, and the price tag was $1,000.


This is a first-time romantic get-together with someone you haven’t met.

What is a blind date? Mutual acquaintances like family or friends usually arrange these dates, and despite the misconception, they sometimes lead to long-term relationships.


The Warren Report determined that this single assassin killed President John F. Kennedy, but only a minority of people believe it.

Who is Lee Harvey Oswald? A Gallup poll in 2013 showed that 61 percent don’t believe the single-assassin theory.


Shrove Tuesday falls this number of days before Easter.

What is 40? It’s also known as Fat Tuesday. Lent starts on Valentine’s Day this year, so it might not be the ideal year to give up chocolate for Lent. Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday was the last day to indulge in luxury foods before Easter.


This bread-shaped hamburger is covered in a ketchup and brown sugar sauce.

What is meatloaf? Variations of this entrée are unlimited. For example, you can give it an Italian flair by topping it with marinara sauce and cheese and adding garlic and Italian herbs to the meat mixture.


Only US president who earned the Congressional Medal of Honor in battle.

Teddy Roosevelt


“Aquarius” was part of the soundtrack of this 1968 Broadway production.

What is Hair? The original cast included Diane Keaton, Meat Loaf, and Ben Vereen—before anyone had ever heard of them.


Make love, not this.

What is war? This was the 1960s mantra during the Vietnam War, often accompanied by the peace sign.


Flight 19, composed of five military aircraft, went missing in this triangle on December 5, 1945.

What is Bermuda? All five aircraft were never spotted again. There have been a plethora of unexplained incidents in the Bermuda Triangle, but that one is the most mysterious.


This monarch came to the throne on February 6, 1952.

Who is Queen Elizabeth II? Her coronation was held June 2, 1953.


This glazed entrée makes an appearance during the holidays, and frozen leftovers sometimes last through the winter.

What is ham? You can use leftover ham in sandwiches, as a breakfast side, and more.


Only US president who served as Chief Justice.

William Howard Taft


This ring was invented during the 1970s and reflected what you were feeling.

What is the mood ring? The idea behind the fad was that the ring reflects the wearer’s mood through color. It’s made with liquid crystals that change hues based on the finger’s temperature.


This describes when you can see no faults with your significant other.

What is love is blind? This stage is usually early in the relationship and often doesn’t last long.


In 1888, London police were looking for this serial killer who attacked prostitutes.

Who is Jack the Ripper? Crime writer Patricia Cornwell wrote a book in 2002 wherein she implies the killer was the painter Walter Sickert, but that theory has yet to be proven.


On the first day of Lent, Catholics receive these in church.

What are ashes (on the forehead)? It’s known as Ash Wednesday. The ashes symbolize death—ashes to ashes—as Christians await the celebration of new life at Easter.


This hearty Italian rice dish hits the spot during the colder months, sometimes as an entrée.

What is a risotto? Some novel forms of this dish include strawberry risotto and even squid ink risotto, which turns it black!


Only US president who was elected to two non-consecutive terms.

Grover Cleveland


Babe Ruth hit his last home run on May 25, 1935, for a total of this many home runs in his career.

What is 714? This record stood as the most career home runs until April 8, 1974 when Hank Aaron hit 715. Aaron went on to finish his career with a record 755 home runs.


This type of affection is said to be expressed by strict parents, sometimes to promote responsible behavior.

What is tough love? Bill Milliken is believed to have coined the phrase in his 1968 book of the same title.


We don’t know where—or even if—this Ancient Wonder of the World existed.

What are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? If they existed, they could have been balcony gardens or one of the gardens in the Royal Babylon Palace. Later theories suggest they might have been gardens built on a sloping landscape.


You might encounter these bushes with delicate, rose-style blooms in February.

What are camellias? They come in the same colors as roses, and many shade-tolerant varieties are available. Camellias can also be grown as houseplants.


This one-meal dish consists of protein, vegetables, soup, and spices and is topped with a piecrust or biscuit crust.

What is (chicken) pot pie? Chicken pot pie is a Southern staple during the colder months.


Only US president who also served as Speaker of the House.

James K. Polk


The People’s Republic of China was established on October 1, 1949, under this Communist leader.

Who is Mao Zedong? This ended the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT).


When you still have feelings for a person even though the relationship ended a long time ago, you are said to carry this.

What is a torch? The phrase to carry a torch first appeared in the 1920s. Some say it was inspired by certain sad love songs, also known as torch songs.


While we celebrate his birthday around the world, we don’t know his exact date of birth.

Who is Jesus? Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25, but Orthodox Christians, particularly in Europe, celebrate it on January 6 or 7. Many speculate on a variety of dates, and even scholars say the date may be as early as 4 BC.


This ancient festival falls on February 2 and used to be considered the midpoint of winter.

What is Candlemas Day? In a bygone era, Christmas lasted 40 days, ending on February 2. People brought candles to church to receive a blessing on Candlemas Day.