Navy History
Famous Aircraft
Modern Marvels
Chess Moves

This Civil War Navy ship, the first of its kind, signified the end of the Wooden Age of ships.

What is the USS Monitor/USS Virginia/Ironclads?


In 1947, Chuck Yeager flew the Bell X-1 and first broke this threshold in level flight.

What is the sound barrier?


The units of Absolute Temperature (in metric) are named after him.

Who is Lord Kelvin?


The superhero Wolverine's chosen name. Whether it is his first or last is up to debate.

Who is Logan?


This is what happens when neither side can win in a turn based game.

What is a stalemate?


In 1986, this movie increased Naval Recruitment thanks to sign-up booths stationed in movie theaters.

What is Top Gun?


This WWII Bomber became the first plane to fly non-stop around the world; thanks to air-to-air refueling.

What is the B-29 Superfortress?


This French family had several notable scientists, including Lazare and Sadi (the Grandfather of Thermodynamics).

Who is Carnot?


This mutant has the ability to teleport, even though he's named after a type of Earthworm.

Who is Nightcrawler?


This phrase indicates in a turn based game that defeat is imminent; unless the player defeats the other one, first.

What is brinkmate?


The first nuclear powered aircraft carrier shares its name with the fictional starship from Star Trek.

What is the USS Enterprise?


This military transport, with over 50 years of service, has the longest service life of any production turboprop.

What is the Lockheed C-130 Hercules?


This scientist had the natural logarithm constant named after him, which people debate how to pronounce to this day.

Who is Euler?


This character, real name Frank Castle, is known for using extreme violence to fight crime.

Who is Punisher?


In chess, this piece has the highest value for trade calculations.

What is the Queen?


This Revolutionary War Naval Commander is most famous for his response to a request to surrender; "I have not yet begun to fight."

Who is John Paul Jones?


The first commercial jet airliner, this passenger jet was plauged with fatigue problems due to the square windows and thin skin.

What is the De Haviland Comet?


Charles Babbage inadvertently started the digital age by inventing a mechanical version of this.

What is a calculator/computer?


This red-haired femme fatale makes up for her lack of super powers with skill, agility, and assassin training

Who is Black Widow/
Natasha Romanoff?


This opening, considered the most popular opening in chess, starts with the most popular first move E-4 and is named for a European boot-shaped country

What is the Italian Game?


From 1961-1993, every POTUS served in the Navy, excepting this one.

Who is Ronald Reagan?


This Vietnam Fighter Plane is to date the only one to have a confirmed supersonic gun kill against an aerial target.

What is the F-4 Phantom II?


Rosalind Franklin was most famous for "Photo 51", the world's first photograph of this type of helix structure.

What is DNA?


This plus-sized villain has been an enemy of both Spider-man and Daredevil, despite having no superpowers of his own.

Who is Kingpin?


This opening move sequence, unique in it not being a specific sequence but rather a position, is often abbreviated as KIA

What is the King's Indian Attack?