Position and Motion
Speed and Velocity
Using Terms

term that refers to in comparison to a reference point

What is "relative to"?


speed and direction

What is velocity?


Acceleration calculates for

What is change in velocity? or 

What is change in speed and/or direction?


The kind of graph represents speed using linear functions

What are distance-time graphs, the two measurements compared are distance and time. 


Describe your position relative to a reference point.

What is 

answers vary?


A complete description of a position includes...

What is a reference point and a reference direction? 


Define speed and units of speed. 

What is...

In some cases you might move faster or slower than other times. One way you can describe how fast you move is to determine your speed. Speed is a measure of the distance an object travels per unit of time. 

In some cases you might move faster or slower than other times. One way you can describe how fast you move is to determine your speed. Speed is a measure of the distance an object travels per unit of time.


Identify and explain the three factors that can affect acceleration. 

What is speeding up, slowing down, and changing direction? 


What kind of graph shows rates of acceleration through linear functions?

What is speed-time graphs? 


What is velocity-time graphs?


Use the term 'positive' in two different contexts.

What is.. 

an object experiences positive acceleration when it speeds up and does not change direction

one can move positively when we move towards a specified reference direction, 


Define dimensional instruction. 

What is dimension is linear and refers to the direction. If you only walked the direction, left to right, then that instruction is only one dimensional. 2-Dimensional instructions use two perpendicular directions. 


does not have a rate of speed. 

What is a changing speed?


the formula for acceleration

What is change in velocity divided by change in time? 


Constant speed and no acceleration are represented on both distance-time and speed-time graphs. Show how you would represent this on both graphs. 

What is constant speed is represented by a diagonal line on a distance-time graph. No acceleration is represented on a speed-time graph by a horizontal line. 


Identify and explain how the terms 'positive' and 'negative' are used in reference to acceleration. 

Explain how it is different in relativity to reference points/directions.

What is...

In the context of acceleration, a positive acceleration is speeding up in the same direction. So for example if an object is traveling towards the east and it speeds up but doesn’t change direction, that is positive acceleration. Any object in motion that slows down or changes direction is experiencing negative acceleration. 

In relation to acceleration, the terms relate to a specific concept rather than with reference points/directions where they did not have a specific meaning unless one was assigned. 


Compare and Contrast: 

Displacement vs. Distance. Give an example and define both terms. 

What is...

Distance depends only on the path taken. Displacement depends only on the initial and final position. 


Baseball field, swimming laps, etc. 



Identify and explain three types of speed.

What is... 

Constant speed is the rate of the change of position in which the same distance is traveled within each unit of time. 

Does not change 

Instantaneous speed is the speed rate at a specific instant in time. 

Between 0s and 2s, the car travels 10m. 

Average speed is total distance traveled divided by the total time taken. 


What is the triangle in the acceleration formula called?

What is delta?


Describe an occasion in which the same linear function means two different things on the two graphs we have learned about. 

What is a diagonal line means constant speed in a distance-time graph while it means a positive acceleration on a speed-time graph?

Give an example of a 2-dimensional set of instructions to get to one position. 

What is..

answers vary.


Explain how motion is relative. Use at least one example.

What is motion is relative to the reference point. (see example, man on the boat). 

The man in the boat is not in motion compared to his fishing, but the man in the boat is not in motion compared to the buoy. 


Compare and Contrast: 

How are average speed and displacement alike? 

What is they both calculate the starting and ending point.


Define how negative and positive acceleration differ. Give at least one example. 

What is in the context of acceleration, a positive acceleration is speeding up in the same direction. So for example if an object is traveling towards the east and it speeds up but doesn’t change direction, that is positive acceleration. Any object in motion that slows down or changes direction is experiencing negative acceleration.


Describe motion in each one of the following graphs. 

What is 

an object in motion is slowing down towards an eventual rest while in the other graph the object in motion is lowering its speed and coming to a complete stop.

In this case these graphs represent almost the same motion of an object. 


Give a sentence using at least 3 terms from your lessons. 

What is ...

answers vary.