Powerhouse of the cell
What is the mitochondrion/are the mitochondria?
Best waifu
Who is all of them cuz anime waifus are for laifu?
Amount of labours Heracles/Hercules had to do
What is twelve?
Full name of the meme
What is Lord Marquaad E?
Title of this anime
What is Boku No Pico?
Name of original song of the sax guy.
Extra points if you can name the band as well.
What is Run Away?
Who is Sunstroke Project?
The first being in Norse mythology
Who is Aurgelmir or Ymir?
Your friend is dying, you gotta reanimate.
What will you be singing.
What is Stayin' Alive?
What is Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon?
The longest running anime series
What is Sazae-san?
Has been running since 1969. NICE