"What's in your wallet?"
What is, Capital One
True or False: 65% OF E&O claims could be avoided or drastically reduced if a home warranty was in place
Source: Independent E&O Insurance Industry Research
What is True
How long has Sheree been a mortgage loan officer?
What is, More than 25 years
This popular "game" - is noted for its secret passages, tiny little weapons, a sprawling mansion, a murder mystery
What is "Clue"
This U.S. state is the most expensive to own a home
True or False: Home Warranty currently has an A+ Rating with a 4.18/5 review with BBB
What is, True
What company does Sheree work with?
What is, Prestige Lending Group
This tabletop game made for 2-4 players, objective is to collect as many marbles as possible with 4 hippo heads
What is "Hungry Hungry Hippos"
What is "Sears, Roebuck and Co."
"Good to the last drop."
What is Maxwell House
True or False: Home Warranty has been in business for less than 25 years
What is False, we have been in business for 25 years
What is Sheree's favorite cocktail?
What is, Martini
This classic family board game's goal is to capture opponent's mice while avoiding getting caught yourself
What is "Mouse Trap"
1 in 10 Americans sell their house because of what reason?
What is "Paranormal Activity"
"Obey your thirst"
What is, Sprite
True or False: 6 out of 10 homes will experience an unexpected mechanical failure within the first year of homeownership
What is False, 7 out of 10 homes
Who is, River and Meadow
What is "Candy Land"
According to Steinway Moving and Storage, the average American moves home many times in their lifetime?
What is 11 times
"The Power of Dreams"
What is, Honda
True or False: Brialle has been employed with Home Warranty since Year 2020
What is Sheree's absolute most favorite season of the year?
The stakes were always high for this game, and if you are competitive enough - you may have flipped tables over it. This 2-8 player's goal is to remain financially solvent while forcing opponents into bankruptcy by buying and developing pieces of property.
What is "Monopoly"
In Scotland, if you paint the home's front door this particular color, it signifies that the homeowner has paid off their mortgage.
What is "Red"