Root Words
Was does cred- mean?
To believe or to write
(Think about the word credible or incredible)
The prefix "non" means what? Think about the word NONsense.
Does it mean not or above?
Not or opposite
The suffix "-able" means what? Think about the word capABLE or comfortABLE
Does it mean is can be done or that it cannot be done?
Can be done
20 divided by 10=
A positive multiplied by a positive equals a positive or negative?
Was does script- mean?
To read or to write
(Think about the word scripture or manuscript)
To write
The prefix "re" means what? Think about the word REmind or REwind or REdo or REplay.
Does it mean again or not?
Again or back
The suffix "-less" means what? Think about the word fearLESS
Does it mean with or without?
10 divided by 5=
A negative multiplied by a positive equals a positive or negative?
Was does chrono- mean?
To time or earth
(Think about the word chronological or chronology)
The prefix "pre" means what? Think about the word PREview or PREhistoric or PREfix
Does it mean before or after?
The suffix "-ful" means what? Think about the word careFUL
Does it mean full of or empty of?
Full of
24 divided by 4=
A negative multiplied by a negative equals a positive or negative?
Was does geo- mean?
To write or earth
(Think about the word geological or geology)
The prefix "sub" means what? Think about the word SUBmarine or SUBway
Does it mean under or over?
The suffix "-ity" means what? Think about the word infinITY
Does it mean state of or more than one?
State of
18 divided by 2=
2 x -4 =
Was does audi- mean?
To hear or to see
(Think about the word audible or audio)
The prefix "micro" means what? Think about the word MICROwave or MICROcosm
Does it mean small or large?
The suffix "-er" means what? Think about the word cleanER or workER
Does it mean one who or state of?
One who
27 divided by 9=
-5 x -5 =