David, considering your global HR viewpoint and your understanding of other HR communities, where do you believe we still have opportunities for further development and growth?

David, considering your global HR viewpoint and your understanding of other HR communities, where do you believe we still have opportunities for further development and growth?


Is there a particular song or playlist you often turn to for motivation during your workday?

Is there a particular song or playlist you often turn to for motivation during your workday?


What are the fundamental professional principles that guide you in your daily work?

What are the fundamental professional principles that guide you in your daily work?


What has been the most significant insight you’ve gained from your extensive international experiences?

What has been the most significant insight you’ve gained from your extensive international experiences?


What approach do you take as a leader to motivate and inspire your team?

What approach do you take as a leader to motivate and inspire your team?


Where do you envision the HR department at Campari having the greatest impact in the coming 3-5 years?

Where do you envision the HR department at Campari having the greatest impact in the coming 3-5 years?


Could you share the experience of your first job? Was it enjoyable for you, and what insights did you gain from it?

Could you share the experience of your first job? Was it enjoyable for you, and what insights did you gain from it?


What strategies do you employ to manage opposition to change in the company?

What strategies do you employ to manage opposition to change in the company?


Which country has been your preferred place to work, and for what reasons? Additionally, what guidance would you offer to someone looking to pursue an international career?

Which country has been your preferred place to work, and for what reasons? Additionally, what guidance would you offer to someone looking to pursue an international career?


What, in your opinion, are the top three essential skills that HR professionals should possess?

What, in your opinion, are the top three essential skills that HR professionals should possess?


What is your perspective on the role of HR in addressing issues related to employee mental health?

What is your perspective on the role of HR in addressing issues related to employee mental health?


Did you stumble upon a career in HR by chance, or was it a deliberate choice based on a clear vision for your professional life? What influenced your decision in selecting a specific path within HR?

Did you stumble upon a career in HR by chance, or was it a deliberate choice based on a clear vision for your professional life? What influenced your decision in selecting a specific path within HR?


Can you discuss any changes or progress in Campari’s leadership that have occurred since you started working here?

​Can you discuss any changes or progress in Campari’s leadership that have occurred since you started working here?​


What are some of the personal and professional hurdles you’ve encountered while residing and working across culturally rich and varied regions, from Africa to Europe?

What are some of the personal and professional hurdles you’ve encountered while residing and working across culturally rich and varied regions, from Africa to Europe?


How would you advise HR professionals to manage their own well-being and prevent burnout, considering the demanding nature of their role in supporting others?

How would you advise HR professionals to manage their own well-being and prevent burnout, considering the demanding nature of their role in supporting others?