how much damage does a iron sword do in 1.7.10
6 attack damage
what is the mod called that allows you to see what you need to craft items
Not enough items or Just enough items
how much damage does a hit from Reinheardts Rocket hammer do
75 damage
what shark is to be believed to have the most amount of electroreceptors on them
Hammer head shark
what shark is = size to a great white but lives in a much colder environment
the salon shark
how much obsidian do you need to make a enchantment table
4 obsidian
name the mod that has to do with mainly crafting spells with an alter and uses mana
Ars Magica 2
name to me the heroes when they were first released they did or do damage to themselves if using there primary fire or anything in the abilities ( Genji using his reflect and hitting himself with it doesn't count
Ashe, Bastion, Junkrat, Pharah, Sigma, Soldier 76, Tracer, Zarya, (if you can name a hero that i have forgot and can prove it then that one too)
name a shark that has the ability to product bioluminescent
the Lantern shark, and the swell shark
what is the largest shark in the world at this moment
the whale shark
how do you get a neather star in peaceful mode
you craft the wither in the crafting table using 4 soul sand, a wither skeleton skull, a diamond sword, and a bow
what mod allows you to fly on a ship or on a boat using any blocks in the game
Archimedes' Ships
who is the only person at the moment who has a skin in the game that is a Overwatch league player
name one of the two sharks that can go from salt water to fresh water and has aggressive behavior
the bull shark
what shark is known for it's long snake like body and it's white pitchfork like teeth
the frilled shark
name the one block item that you cannot jump over
what is the mod called that has to do the Pokemon
Pixelmon or pokecube
how many Overwatch League teams are there at the moment
what is it called when a shark jumps out of the water to catch it's prey
what shark has a tail that is almost half their body length and large pectoral Finns
the thresher shark
what happens if you hit the ender dragon egg
it will teleport
what is the most downloaded mod in minecraft modded of 2018
what ability in the game has the highest durst damage (ultimate are being used for this)
what is the fastest shark in the world and how fast does it go
the Mako shark, 60 miles a hour
how many genitalia do sharks have