What street is Woodland Academy on?
Woodland St.
What is the name of your new 5th grade teacher?
Ms. Epstein or Ms. Griffin or Mr. Foster.
Name a student in our classroom who's name starts with the letter A.
Ariana or Alvina or Alysia or Angel or Ava
What app are all our daily assignments on?
Google Docs
What is the name of our assistant principal?
Ms. Resendes
What is the full name of the school that is attached to ours?
Claremont Academy
Which 4th grade teacher is the youngest?
Ms. Tighe
Name a 4th grade student who was new to Woodland this year.
Depends on Response
Name a student who has been to the most Zooms.
Ariana, Damian and Daniela
Name 2 custodians
Mr. Matt and Mr. Joe
How many classrooms are on the first floor?
Name at least 5 other Woodland teachers.
Depends on Response
Which 4th grade class had the MOST students?
Ms. King's class
Name someone who has posted on our class stream
Ms. Z, Ms. B, Ms. Epaul, Caterin, Geort, Ava, Alysia, Alvina, Nashelle,
What city is Ms. Minter from?
What is the exact address of Woodland Academy?
93 Woodland Street
Worcester, MA 01610
What is the first and last name of ALL of the 4th grade teachers?
Jana Berthiaume
Katie King
Maya Minter
Megan Tighe
How many classes are in kindergarten through 6th grade?
What is the name of our Google Classroom?
Ms. Minter's 4th Grade Class
How many classes are on the 3rd floor?
What did Woodland Academy used to be called?
Accelerated Learning Lab
Name a teacher who has been at Woodland for over 15 years
Ms. Smallcomb or Ms. Resendes or Ms. LeClaire
Name a 4th grader from another classroom who's name starts with R.
Rene or Roxsi or Raymond
What color are the icons on Google Classroom for an assignment you have NOT completed?
What is Ms. Arline's last name?