Pop Culture
American History

This summer blockbuster based on a popular toy franchise ruled the box office in fierce competition with the film Oppenheimer

What is Barbie (2023)?


Jane Goodall is most known for her study on this primate species

What are Chimpanzees?


This young adult book series written by Suzanne Collins is about a dystopian world where two children are selected from each district to kill one another, making the winner be the sole survivor

What is The Hunger Games?


This activist was the first woman to lead a major military operation in the United States and helped slaves escape before the civil war by using the Underground Railroad

Who was Harriet Tubman?


This woman was the last queen of France before the French Revolution and is wrongly credited for the saying “Let them eat cake”

Who was Marie Antoinette?


This movie that came out in 2019 became the first female-led superhero movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

What is Captain Marvel (2019)?


This scientist was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for the discovery of radium and polonium, and the only woman to receive two Nobel Prizes

Who was Marie Curie?


This gothic fiction classic written by Mary Shelley is about a nameless monster and his creator, who the novel is named after

What is Frankenstein?


This aviator was the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean

Who was Amelia Earhart?


This Member of the Royal Family recently passed away almost two years ago and served as queen for over 70 years

Who was Queen Elizebeth II?


This actress is the last woman so far to achieve EGOT status (Winner of an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony) after her win at the Grammys in 2023. She was most recently in The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes as Dr. Gaul

Who is Viola Davis?


She was the first American woman to go to space after she flew on the space shuttle Challenger on June 18, 1983

Who was Sally Ride?


These two Brontë sisters (Charlotte Brontë & Emily Brontë) have each written famous novels that are lauded to this day and are still frequently studied in English classes (Name either one of these books)

What is Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights?


This former First Lady was the wife of the only United States president that served three terms and is known for redefining the role of the First Lady

Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? 


This princess of the Royal Family was nicknamed the “The people’s princess” and is best known for her charitable work, like her early advocacy for HIV patients

Who was Princess Diana?


This actress was the first woman of color to win Best Actress at the Oscars for her performance in Monster's Ball

Who is Halle Berry?


This British chemist was a central contributor to the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA but was not properly recognized compared to the other two scientists involved

Who was Rosalind Franklin?


This classic novel by Louisa May Alcott is a coming of age novel about the four March sisters

What is Little Women?


This American activist was the second woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, and was an important leader in the history of social work and women's suffrage in the United States

Who was Jane Addams? 


This Pharaoh was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt and spoke about a dozen languages

Who was Cleopatra?


Music was previously released on Tuesdays before this popular artist helped set the trend of releasing music on Fridays

Who is Beyoncé?


This woman is known as the world’s first computer programmer

Who was Ada Lovelace?


The movie Clueless was a modern movie adaptation of this book written by Jane Austen

What is Emma?


This civil rights activist refused to give up her seat nine months before Rosa Parks when she was only 15 years old

Who is Claudette Colvin?


This queen was the last sovereign of Hawai’i and resisted the annexation of Hawai’i by the United States

Who was Queen Liliuokalani?