General Knowledge 1
Post Partum Hemorrhage
Discharge Teaching
Risk Factors
General Knowledge 2

This is usually attributable to partial separation of the placenta during massage of fundus before spontaneous placental separation

What is retention of fragments.


Two crystalloid fluids that can be administered during PPH

What is normal saline and lactated ringers.


Saturation of how many perineal pads in an hour is abnormal and should be reported by the mother

What is more than one pad per hour.


Women who have a history of "this" are 3 times more likely to be at risk with subsequent pregnancies

What is postpartum hemorrhage


This is performed until the uterus is firmly contracted, it may be uncomfortable, and the woman will need explanation for why this is necessary

What is fundal massage


This can occur if there is a traumatic event during childbirth which includes emergency cesarean sections, surgery or medical interventions without adequate anesthesia, or the loss of an infant.

What is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


The most common uterine stimulant administered to contract the atonic musculature following childbirth

What is oxytocin


Validating the existence of this phenomenon, labeling it as a real but normal adjustment reaction, and providing reassurance can offer a measure of relief for this change in mood

What is postpartum blues


The following are clinical features for "this" condition: sleep disturbances, depersonalization, hallucinations, delusions, psychomotor disturbances

What is postpartum psychosis


Can occur when all efforts to control hemorrhage fail

What is a hysterectomy


The most common postpartum infection

What is endometritis


Occurs in the first 24 hours after childbirth, and is the more common of the two

What is Early (primary) postpartum hemorrhage


Should by completed by all health care providers, families, and parents to reduce the risk of infection to the newborn.

What is proper hand hygiene


The leading cause of early postpartum hemorrhage

What is uterine atony


Hemorrhage, infection, thromboembolitic disease, and postpartum psychiatric disorders

What are the most common complications of the postpartum period.


The term used when the woman is unable to empty her bladder, usually because of trauma or the effects of anesthesia

What is postpartum urinary retention


Occurs from 24 hours to 6 weeks after birth

What is late (secondary) postpartum hemorrhage


Instructions should be provided on proper use of which specific medication to enhance absorption and avoid constipation and nausea

What is if iron supplementation is ordered


Excessive or bright red bleeding, a boggy fundus, abnormal clots, high temperature, unusual pelvic discomfort or backache, increase rise in the level of the fundus of the uterus, increased pulse or decreased BP, decreased level of consciousness.

What are signs of a postpartum hemorrhage


Reduce the rate of maternal mortality to 11.4 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births

What is the Healthy People 2020 Goal


An infection of the connective tissue in the breast that occurs primarily in lactating women

What is mastitis


This percentage is the drop in maternal hematocrit levels from pre-delivery baseline or excessive bleeding that causes hemodynamic instability or the need for a blood transfusion defining PPH

What is 10% or more 


In order to prevent "this", the woman should be aware of the importance of regular, complete emptying of the breasts

What is engorgement


The following are risk factors for "this": major depression, stressful life events, lack of social support, age, complications of delivery, lack of a stable supportive relationship with parents or partner

What is postpartum depression


The response called when staff is in need of assistive personnel due to maternal or fetal complications at Trinity Health

What is Code Stork