The book that tells how God saves his people by His mighty hand
How is Jesus called before he came to earth?
The rich man who asked Pilate for Jesus body - Mt 27:57,58
This film tells about Noah’ s flood
Jehovah’s Judgement Agaist Law- Defying People
From a Hebrew word meaning “ to rest; to cease”
The book that tells all good gifts and presents come from God
What is the last study title of the book What can the bible teach Us?
Stay Close to Jehovah
He asked” Can anything good come out from Nazareth?” - Joh1:46
This film is about the 10 plagues
Jehovah’s Name to be Declared in All the Earth
Ministry or work being directly related to one’s worship of God
Sacred service
The book that tells how Jesus came to earth and taught us all
How did Jesus come to earth?
Jehovah placed His spirit son to Mary’s abdomen and holy spirit guarded him so no imperfection will penetrate and until he was born as perfect human.
Where can i find the featured items in the website?
Joseph’s life and his brothers was portrayed in this film
Preserving Life in Time of Famine
A name for Jesus , as one from the town of Nazareth
Who wrote the book of Numbers?
Name the three things we benefit from the ransom.
ref : bhs- E chap 5 par 15-17
1. Sins are forgiven
2. Good conscience
3 Hope of living forever
What are the 4 categories found under newsroom tab?
jW news, newsroom for journalists, legal developments, legal resources
The family in this film struggle in their family worship
These Words...must be in your Heart
This means Singled Out, Dedicated, Separated One
Why is the book of Numbers called Numbers?
Moses counted the Israelites 2 times.
3 Ways we can show that we are grateful of the ransom?
teach book chap 5 truth # 4
1. John 17:3 - come to know Jehovah, Jesus and imitate them
2. Luke 22:19 - attend Memorial of Christ death each year
3. James 2:26 - do work for your faith
Give at least 3 categories found under library tab.
Online bible, magazines, books and brochures, article series,jw broadcasting, videos, music,audio dramas,dramatic bible readings,meeting workbooks, kingdom ministry, online library
This is the story about Timothy
Pursue Goals that Honor God
A sacrifice for personal sins
guilt offering