Burn those bras!
Political Potpourri
Pop Culture
Past and Present Presidents
This author, who also wrote Frankenstein, wrote “A Vindication of the rights of Women” in 1792.
Who is Mary Shelley?
This notorious, blue dress-wearing intern found herself at the center of a national scandal when then president Bill Clinton admitted their affair.
Who is Monica Lewinsky?
They make up the legislative branch.
What are the Senate and House of Representatives?
This show ran from 1996 to 2006 and followed the lives of White House staffers starring Martin Sheen as the President.
What is "The West Wing"?
He was the youngest President to be elected, and the youngest to die, making him the President with the shortest life.
Who is John F. Kennedy?
These demonstrations, which took place on June 28th 1969, are often regarded as the catalyst for the modern LGBT movement for civil rights in the United States.
What are the Stonewall Riots?
This infamous 1972 scandal was the catalyst to Richard Nixon’s resignation from office in 1974.
What is Watergate?
Other than running for president, he was known as the CEO of Godfather's Pizza.
Who is Herman Cain?
This film was released last year and starred George Clooney as a presidential contender and Ryan Gosling as his idealistic staffer.
What is "The Ides of March"?
He succeeded to the presidency after JFK's death and was known for his New-Deal style programs known as the Great Society.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?
Second Wave Feminism was born from this larger movement, which engrossed America during the 1960's.
What is the Sexual Revolution?
The term “Weinergate” was coined after congressman Anthony Weiner used this social network to share dirty pictures of himself.
What is Twitter?
He has been the Supreme Court Chief Justice since 2005.
Who is John G. Roberts?
She played Hillary Clinton to Tina Fey's Sarah Palin in SNL's famous opening sketch.
Who is Amy Poehler?
He was an actor, originally not taken seriously at the start of his political career.
Who is Ronald Reagan?
This amendment gave women the right to vote.
What is the Nineteenth Amendment?
He accidentally shot a friend in the face while on a quail hunt
Who is Dick Cheney?
This latin word meaning “I forbid” allows the president to reject a proposed law.
What is "veto"?
This 1941 film by Orson Welles is considered by many critics to be one of the best films ever made.
What is "Citizen Kane"?
His picture is on the 50 dollar bill.
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
She founded planned parenthood and funded the development of the birth control pill.
Who is Margaret Sanger?
This one time vice-presidential hopeful was revealed to have been cheating on his cancer-stricken wife in 2008.
Who is John Edwards?
This education bill was championed by President Bush and Senator Ted Kennedy and known for its bipartisan support.
What is No Child Left Behind?
John Travolta played a thinly-veiled, fictional version of this politician in the film "Primary Colors."
Who is Bill Clinton?
President Obama worked as a community organizer in this major city early in his career.
What is Chicago?