Ordering Decimals and Whole Numbers
Least Common Multiple
Converting: Fractions, Decimals, Percents
Percents of a Whole Number
Solving for X
What are the steps when ordering whole numbers and decimals in a word problem?
What is 1. underline the numbers and important parts & what order they are asking for 2. Line up the numbers vertically 3. Use Place Value to order the numbers 4. Make a line and put the numbers in order on the line
Which fraction is greater? 3/5 or 4/10? Find the LCM, Convert to like fractions, order new fractions, connect back to old fractions.
What is 6/10 = 3/5
Convert these decimals to fractions .75 .05 .42
What is .75 = 75/100 = 3/4 .05= 5/100 = 1/20 .42 = 42/100 = 21/50
Find 45% of 35
What is 15.75
Solve for X x+32=87
What is x=55
Order these decimals from Least to Greatest 67.871 4.671 .112 52.980 1.23
What is 1) .112 2) 1.23 3) 4.671 4) 52.980 5) 67.871
What are the steps to find the LCM of a Fraction and order them?
What is 1) Put the denominators in the upside down birthday cake format 2) Use the LCM as the denominator 3) Change the fractions into like fractions 4) Order the fractions 5) Connect back to original fractions
Convert these percents to decimals and order them from greatest to least. 35% 8% 113% 187% 1%
What is 1) 1.87 = 187% 2) 1.13 = 113% 3) .35 = 35% 4) .08 = 8% 5) .01 = 1%
Find 145% of 200
What is 290
Solve for x 11x=132
What is x= 12
Nicole and her mom like to go on walks after dinner. They like to keep track of how far they walk each day. The distance they walk is listed below. Put the distances that Nicole and her mom walk in order from greatest to least. 2.15 1.25 2.51 1.52 5.21
What is 1) 5.21 2) 2.51 3) 2.15 4) 1.52 5) 1.25
Find the LCM of 5/9 6/12 and 3/7. Order from least to greatest. Connect back to original fractions.
What is 1) 108/252 = 3/7 2) 126/252 = 6/12 3) 140/252 = 5/9
Convert these fractions to decimals and order from least to greatest. 3/10 1/2 3/4 2/5 6/50
What is 1) .12 = 12/100 = 6/50 2) .30 = 30/100 = 3/10 3) .40 = 40/100 = 2/5 4) .50 = 50/100 = 1/2 5) .75 = 75/100 = 3/4
A baseball pitcher won 60% of the games he pitched. If he pitched 90 ballgames, how many games did he win?
What is 54 Ballgames
Lola spent $50 on 25 fancy pens. How much did each pen cost? *** Show all the steps and how you checked your work
What is x=2. Each pen cost 2$
Michael and his three friends like collecting football cards. Michael has collected 1,732 cards. His friend Tony has collected 1,372 cards. Bill has collected 1,273 cards. And Johnny has collected 1,723 cards. The four friends want to find out who has the most cards and who had the least amount of cards. Put in order from greatest to least the friends and the amount of football cards they have.
What is 1) 1,732 2) 1,723 3) 1,372 4) 1,273
Sam and Joe like to go running on the weekends. Sam told Joe that he ran 4/9 of a mile. Joe told Sam that he ran 7/12 of a mile. Who ran more over the weekend?
What is Joe ( 21/36 = 7/12)
Blake, Alex, and Jimmy ate some cookies out of the cookie jar. Blake ate 1/4 of the cookies. Alex ate 3/5 of the cookies. Jimmy ate 2/10 of the cookies. What percentage of the cookies did each boy eat and put in order who ate the most to who ate the least.
What is 1) Alex = 60% 2) Blake= 25% 3) Jimmy= 20%
Find 116% of 145
What is 168.2
Solve for x x/5=12
What is x= 60
ill recently had a birthday and she got money from some of her family members. Her grandma and grandpa gave her $152.25. Her mom and dad gave her $215.52. Her friend Samantha gave her $105.57. Her other friend Courtney gave her $150.75. Jill wants to know who gave her the most amount of money. Put in order from least to greatest the amount of money that Jill got on her birthday
What is $105.57, $150.75 , $152.25 , $215.52
Mrs. Black brought cake to her students because they won an award. Ashley ate 7/12 of the cake. Morgan ate 5/7 of the cake. Nic ate 3/9 of the cake. Put in order from greatest to least who ate the most of the cake.
What is 1) 180/252 = 5/7 2) 147/252 = 7/12 3) 84/152 = 3/9
Three softball pitchers had great seasons. Pitcher #1 won 57% of her games. Pitcher #2 won 83% of her games. Pitcher #3 won 74% of her games. What fraction is equal to the percents that each pitcher had?
What is Pitcher #1 = 57/100 Pitcher #2 = 83/100 Pitcher #3 = 74/100 which is 37/50
A test has 25 questions. If Macy gets 80% correct, how many questions did Macy miss?
What is Macy missed 5 questions
Solve for X 10x+20=120
What is x=10