Alg review
(you mean we can't just forget that)
Intro to Geometry
Word problems
What class is this?
A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays three days and leaves on Friday. How is this possible?
The horses name is Friday
Find the roots if the quadratic equation: x2 – 12x + 32 = 0
Two triangles with equal sides are considered _____________.
A. Similar B. Congruent C. Isosceles
A rectangle field has an area of 300 square meters and a perimeter of 80 meters. What are the length and width of the field?
length = 30 meters , width = 10 meters
A triangle has a total of how many degrees?
A. 90 B. 180 C. 360 D. 540
What is a group of unicorns known as?
A blessing
Let the equation of a line be described by Equation A: 10y - 5x = 40 What are the y-intercept and slope of the line?
the y-intercept b = 4, and the slope m = 0.5.
A triangle with two equal sides and one non-equal side is called ____________.
A. Isoscelese B. Scalene C. Equilateral D. Right
The numbers 2 , 3 , 5 and x have an average equal to 4. What is x?
x = 6
Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees are called _________.
Supplimentary B. Right C. Acute D. Complimentary
An eight-digit number contains two 1's, two 2's, two 3's, and two 4's. The 1's are separated by one digit, the 2's by two digits, the 3's by three digits, and the 4's by four digits. What is the number?
The slope of a line, AB, containing A (3,-1) and B (6,k) is 2. What is the value of k?
A polygon with five sides is called a ____________.
A. Hexagon B. Octogon C. Pentagon D. Trapezoid
Bob can paint a house in 3 hours, Jim can paint the same house in 5 hours. How long to pain the house together?
1 7/8
A regular polygon is_______?
All equal sides B. All equal angles C. A and B D. None of the above
What is the tiny plastic covering of the tip of a shoelace called?
An aglet
If John earns $x in a week and spend $y, write an equaion showing the part of his weekly salary he saves?
Two angles whose measures have a sum of 180 degrees are called ___________.
Supplimentary B. Acute C. Right D. Complimentary
A ball costs $1.25 and a bat costs $79.00. The team only has 150.00 to spend how many ball and bats can they buy?
1 bat 56 balls
Two lines with a common endpoint and vertex for a/an ____________.
A. Ray B Angle C. Polygon D. Line Segment
A man came to a river carrying a fox, a duck, and a bag of corn. There was a boat in which he could ferry of the three items across the river at any one time. He could not leave the fox alone with the duck, nor the duck alone with the corn, so how did he get all three across?g
First the man took the duck across, then he came back and took the fox over. He left the fox on the far side of the river and returned with the duck. He then left the duck on the near side and took the corn over. Then he returned and took the duck across. Pretty straightforward, eh?
Solve and graph the equation 3(p-3)-5p>-3p-6
A triangle has a perimeter of 50. If 2 of its sides are equal and the third side is 5 more than the equal sides, what is the length of the third side?
In selling a dress for $55, a store owner has to bear a loss of 22%. Calculate the cost price of the dress. Round to the nearest half dollar.
Find the ratio of the perimeter of the larger rectangle to the perimeter of the smaller rectangle.
A 4/3 B 3/4 C 5/3 D 11/9