Making a list and _____ it _____ gonna find out who's naughty and nice.
checking; twice
What do call socks with gifts?
What made frosty the snowman come back to life?
The magic hat
Random Question + Daily Double!
For 200 points...
Which animal is the tallest animal in the world?
Thanksgiving started as a gathering between which two types of people?
The Pilgrims and Native Americans
I just want you for my ____. More than you could ever ____.
own; know
This popular drink is mostly available around Christmas
What animated 2004 film is about a train that carries kids to the North Pole on Christmas Eve?
The Polar Express
What do you call a person who's afraid of Santa Claus?
How do you say "Merry Christmas" in spanish?
Feliz Navidad
Where the treetops __ and children ___
Glisten; Listen
Uh Oh! Random question:
How much of Earth’s surface is water?
In the movie It's A Wonderful Life, what happened every time a bell rang?
An angel got their wings
What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
It's Christmas Eve!
After Red and green what are the two most popular Christmas colors?
Silver and Gold
And a _____ in a _____tree
Partridge; pear
The gingerbread house came from this country
In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
Where does Christmas come BEFORE thanksgiving?
In the Dictionary
How many days does Hanukkah last and what is lit every night of it?
8; A Menorah
Oh the weather outside is __ But the fire is so ___
Frightful; Delightful
Fruit, nuts and spices soaked in spirits originated from Roman Times
Fruit Cake
In "A Christmas Carol ", this was the first ghost to appear to Scrooge
The Ghost of Christmas Past
Which one of Santa's reindeer can you see in outer space?
Name the 8 planets
Name them in order(closest to furthest from the sun) for an extra 200 points!
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune