Words are fun!
What does the text say?
Culture and our schemas
Arguments in the library
Grab bag o' goodies
Define flabbergasted.
to be overcome with astonishment, to amaze utterly
What is textual analysis?
any technique for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages
Who came up with the idea of rhetoric?
Name two topics on the "no no" list for the argument essay
smoking, gay marriage, gun control, us/mexico border, marijuana, abortion, etc.
What is a coordinating conjunction?
Using a smaller word to connect two independent clauses. It is always offset with a comma. FANBOYS.
Define lax.
careless; not strict
Name at least two of the 7 categories of textual analysis.
content, framing, composition, focus, lighting, texture, angle and vantage point
What are the three elements of rhetoric?
Ethos, pathos, and logos
Name two of the databases we worked with in the library
What is Proquest, Ebscohost, academic search complete, opposing viewpoints, etc.
Name all the coordinating conjunctions using the acronym FANBOYS.
for and nor but or yet so
Define bulwark.
fortification; barricade; wall
What is a stereotype?
An assumption about a group based on a narrow experience. Usually exaggerated characteristics of the group.
Define the three elements of rhetoric.
ethos: perceived credibility of the speaker, pathos: emotional appeal, logos: logical appeal
What was the name of the librarian who helped us in the library?
What is Brian VanderVeen
Use Maleficent in a sentence.
There are plenty of maleficent people in the world.
Define Riddled.
full of (usually full of holes)
What does MLA stand for?
Modern languages association
What was a cultural stereotype you saw in the episode of "Big Bang Theory"?
Answers will vary
Name one way to narrow your search in the library databases.
use suggested search terms, use advanced search, make it so only full text appears, narrow by date, subject, key word, etc.
Name one cool thing Chuck Norris can do.
He can gargle peanut butter. He can slam revolving doors. etc.
Define Torpid.
inactive; lazy; stagnant
What are three things that must be on a paper for it to be in correct MLA format?
header, double spaced, times new roman, 12 pt font, student name, teacher name, class, and date
Who is Sherman Alexie and what is the name of the article he wrote about education?
Sherman Alexie is a Native American author from the Pacific Northwest who wrote an article entitled "Superman and Me" which discussed the value of education.
Describe/name one of the three formulas for thesis statements.
Although scholars have noted X and Y, they have missed the importance of Z. or Although I agree with X and Y ideas of other writers, it is important to extend/refine/limit their ideas with Z. or Although many scholars have argued about X and Y, a careful examination suggests Z.
A panda walks into a bar and orders a sandwich. After enjoying his meal, the panda stands to leave, but then shoots the waiter and walks toward the door. The astonished owner of the pub says "Panda, why did you shoot my waiter?" The panda replies simply, "I'm a panda, look it up." The thunderstruck owner grabs his handy-dandy dictionary and reads: "Panda: a mammal native to Asia. Eats, shoots, and leaves." Explain to me why this joke is funny.
The comma denotes that the panda must first eat his food, then shoot someone, and then leave the pub. What the dictionary should have said was that pandas eat shoots and leaves (as in the things that grow on a plant). Misplaced commas--very funny!