Accepting Responsibility
Mastering Self Motivation
Mastering Self Management
Employing Interdependence
Gaining Self Awareness
This is the key ingredient of personal responsibility of whom someone has given to you.
What is choice?
The formula Value times Expectation equals this.
What is Motivation?
When you have very strong feelings, but you choose to dictate those emotions, is an example of this.
What is emotional management?
"This is the worst class ever! If my class wasn't so early in the morning, I wouldn't be so tired and I'd show up more often, that way I'd finally be passing!" This is an example of ____.
What is blaming?
Special knowledge skills that you've learned to do throughout your life.
What are hard skills?
Even with odds stacked against you, you found a way to achieve certain life goals that you wanted. This means you were using this.
What is a creator mindset?
The DAPPS rule is significant towards your life when you set these.
What are goals?
This Self Management trait is hinted as "doing diligence."
What is work?
Realizing his mother wanted nothing to do with him, Andre used this to stay strong and press on with his life.
What is Inner Guide?
These are referred to as "Necessary Skills" in the work force.
What are soft skills?
"I knew I wouldn't be able to pass my math class. I always screw up. I'm too stupid to get past any of this so why do I even try?" This is an example of this kind of self talk
What is Inner Critic?
Evaluating my present situation, what I want the situation to be, what my choices are, the outcome for each choice, the choice I'll commit to, and how I will evaluate my plan is the process of making these.
What are Wise Choices?
Some important actions need to be completed on a specific date at a specific time. Having this helps track that.
What is a monthly calendar?
Marcus used this when he told his mom he couldn't do things on his own and that he needed her help.
What is Interdependence?
Putting aside their stereotypical thoughts, Eva and Sindy came together after court when Eva witnessed the truth regarding the gang shooting that involved Sindy's friend. Once this happened, the girls changed this about themselves.
What is Thought Pattern
When the students in room 203 realized they didn't have enough money to fly in Meip, the woman who helped hide Anne Frank, they found multiple ways to raise the money instead of giving up. Collectively they sought a solution and used this kind of mindset.
What is a creator mindset.
Stating desired qualities about yourself over and over again as if you already have them refers to this.
What is Affirmation?
The significance of importance and urgency delegates our actions. In chapter 4, creators use this kind of strategy to approach such urgencies.
What is doing important actions first before they become urgent?
A ______ often spends time doing for others rather than spending any time on their own goals and dreams.
What is a placator?
Seeing her father arrested, persuaded Evca that all cops and white people were bad or even evil. This displayed this kind of attitude in her.
What is a core belief?
Albert Ellis explains in the book that different responses can be understood by realizing that the activating event plus our beliefs equals this.
What are consequences?
DAPPS is a motivation tool using these five specifics.
What is Dated, Achievable, Personal, Positive, Specific?
Ben did not want to sit next to the other kids in the room that had different skin color because he was scared since he was the only white in the class. Relating to a different background, Ben most likely had a different this than all the other kids.
What is culture?
In the work force, most companies hope to employ this type of person, due to the fact they will usually be working in groups.
What is a team player?
When you Show up, Do your best work, and Participate actively, you are known to be using these.
What are the three success rules?