The Development of Western Canada
Important People and What was the Gold Used For
Where were the gold rush sites
Methods of Mining and What Supplies were Needed
Towns and Problems Encountered
Why did Canada want to buy the Hudson’s Bay land?
Canada wanted to buy Hudson’s Bay land because they did not want to lose it to the Americans, and Yankees.
Who were 3 important people I talked about during the gold rush?
Catherine Schubert Billy Barker Governor Douglas
Where was the Klondike River gold rush site?
Klondike Gold Rush was in the Klondike River in Northwest Territories
What were some Methods Of Mining?
Panning, cradling/rockers, sluicing, shafts and tunnels, hydraulic mining
What happened when the gold rush occurred?
Majority of the citizens left
Why did the Hudson's Bay company want to keep some of its land instead of turning it all over to Canada?
The Hudson’s Bay Company wanted to keep some its land because they needed places to keep their fur, were being paid for the land so they wanted a better price for it, and they wanted another place to trade fur before selling all of their land.
Who is Billy Barker and what did Billy Barker do?
He was s sailor who found the Cariboo Mountain gold rush which caused shanties to appear which was then named Bakervile and prices were sky high.
Where was the Cariboo gold rush site?
Cariboo gold rush was Fraser River Valley, near Lillooet B.C
Of the four types of supplies prospectors needed to bring in the Klondike gold rush, state two.
Food, clothes, prospecting equipment, camping equipment
In what year the Victorian gold rush ended?
the gold rush ended in 1856 (one year)
What were the dates for the gold rush’s and which one lead Yukon to join Canada?
Fraser=1858, Cariboo=1860, Klondike 1896, Klondike
How much less did gold cost back then and why?
-About 2x more
What were the all Canadian Routes?
Edmonton, Alberta or Prince George, British Columbia
What is hydraulic mining similar to? Sluicing and shafts and tunnels
Sluicing and shafts and tunnels
What were some Problems/ Dangers Encountered By the Towns people? List at least 6:
Steeling No police No order Gold fever: Greed and excitement leading to the following problems gold was spent in bars or lost in card games When gold ran out hundreds left Cariboo road cost almost $1 million and they couldn’t afford it Vancouver island and British Columbia had financial problems
What were the 3 options British Columbia had and why did they choose that one.
Could remain British Colony Could join the US Could join Canada Canada as British government favored it as well as many others in the colony. Would have their own provincial Assembly, and elect representatives to Parliament in Ottawa.
Why was Catherine Schubert an important person?
She was the first women to enter British Columbia She had 3 children and was going to gold seek She motivated her family the whole way
What were the names of the two mountain passes used to get to the Klondike?
The Chilkoot Pass and The White Pass
What is a flume?
A device to carry water to a place with none. Used with hydraulic mining or a sluice box.
What were some Problems/ Dangers Encountered by the First Nations?(Answer at least 9)
Prospectors damaged First nations land for gold Burned down forests got chemicals in the water systems They didn't ask permission from the First Nations Did not care that chemicals got into water systems Raided Aboriginal villages Invaded claimed Aboriginal land, water system and fishing area made roads that interrupted hunting area Damaged their sacred burial sites (cemeteries) Government never stop miners from doing this