TV shows
large African mammal with a very long neck and forelegs, having a coat patterned with brown patches separated by lighter lines. It is the tallest living animal.
What is a giraffe?
energy associated with temperature
What is thermal/heat energy?
a TV show about a man who lost his wife due to a car crash, and later lives with his brother- in law childhood friend, and three daughters
What is Full House?
Which word contains 26 letters but only three syllables?
What is Alphabet?
a series about a kid who rights about his life in what he always says is a journal
What is Diary of A Wimpy Kid?
a large, heavily built cat that has a yellowish-brown coat with black spots, found mainly in the dense forests of Central and South America.
What is a jaguar?
energy associated with thermal energy, and the process called a chemical reaction?
What is Chemical energy?
a show about a man who finally escapes an island he has been trapped on for five years and decides to kill all people corrupting his city
What is Arrow?
Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
What is C?
a book about a six year old boy who is sent to a school for training to fight in a war?
What is Ender's Game?
a raccoon-like mammal with thick reddish-brown fur and a bushy tail, native to high bamboo forests from the Himalayas to southern China.
What is the red panda?
When light shines into water, the rays of light refract, or bend, at different angles this can make the illusion called what
What is a rainbow?
a long running TV series about two brothers that hunt monsters and mythical creatures, while n the hunt for their father
What is Supernatural?
Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die, what am I?
What is Fire?
This book series is about three siblings who are orphaned and later hunted by a man who wants their fortune
What is The Series of Unfortunate Events?
an animal with a thick coat that turns white in winter, found on the tundra of North America and Eurasi
What is an arctic fox?
a category on the periodic table that has Neon, Krypton, Radon, etc.
What is Noble Gases?
a show about a man that wakes up in the middle of an apocalyptic world and gathers a group of people to try to survive
What is The Walking Dead?
We hurt without moving. And poison without touching. We bear truth and lies, But are not judged by size. What are we?
What is Words?
the name of books that are produced in japan
what are Manga?
one of the five largest species of snakes in the world (about the third-largest as measured either by length or weight). It is native to a large variation of tropic and subtropic areas of South and Southeast Asia.
What is the Burmese python?
they are known as the basic building blocks of human development, they are sometimes called “magic seeds” because they can regenerate human tissue of various kinds.
What are Stem cells?
a TV show about a dog that is afraid of just about everything he comes across, while he always tries to save his elderly owner Muriel
What is Courage the Cowardly Dog
I fall but I never get back up I'm unique but I'm not a fingerprint I'm sometimes part of a ball but I'm not leather If I get warm enough I go away but I'm not a winter wardrobe I'm sometimes part of a man but I don't have any skin What could I be?
What is Snow?
a three books series that is about a world ruined by a government that hosts an annual competition where different areas have a boy and girl sent in for a battle to the death
What is The Hunger Games?