Branches of Government
Life Science
Figures of Speech
World Geography
Capitals and Their States
This branch includes the President, Vice President, and his/her cabinet members
What is the Executive Branch?
The passing of traits, or characteristics, from parent to offspring.
What is Heredity?
A figure of speech in which there is a comparison using 'like' or 'as'.
What is a simile?
This country was once home to the Incan Empire. You can learn a great deal about this culture by visiting Machu Picchu and other sites.
What is Peru?
This state's capital is Sacramento
What is California?
This branch has the power to interpret and uphold the law as according to the US Constitution
What is the Judicial Branch?
The idea that organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass their traits to their offspring.
What is natural selection?
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not meant to be literal.
What is a metaphor?
Formerly run by a communist government, this country has dealt with a great deal of controversy in recent times due to alleged involvement and tampering with the 2016 US election.
What is Russia?
This state's capital is Honolulu.
What is Hawaii?
This branch has the power to declare war and establish taxes.
What is the Legislative Branch?
Materials that are found in nature and are used up much faster than than the time required to make them.
What are nonrenewable resources?
A figure of speech in which the author gives human characteristics and qualities to something nonhuman.
What is personification?
As of 2016, this country is the most populated of all countries and has become an economic powerhouse within recent decades.
What is China?
This state's capital is Olympia.
What is Washington?
This branch includes both the Senate and House of Representatives. Together, we refer to these entities as this term.
What is Congress?
Organisms that break down dead or decaying plant and animal material
What are decomposers?
A figure of speech that involves extreme exaggeration.
What is hyperbole?
The second most populated country as of 2016, this country has many long practiced traditions and customs, largely related to its Hindu concentration.
What is India?
This system of voting determines our president and vice president for the Executive Branch.
What is the Electoral College?
A symbiotic relationship that benefits both organisms involved.
What is mutualism?
A word that sounds like the sound that it is describing.
What is an Onomatopoeia?
Currently a country involved in a very serious civil war. As of 2016, more than 11 million people have been killed or forced to flee as refugees seeking peace and safety.
What is Syria?
This state's capital is Richmond.
What is Virginia?