The Truly Disadvantaged
Spatial Mismatch
Barack Obama
About the Text
Wilson claimed these two things were the root cause of the pathologies that were prevalent in urban communities.
What is enslavement and segregation.
This must be done in order to build any type of political momentum for progressive policy.
What is switch from race-focused to class-focused.
This sociologist expressed the idea that politicians should divert from racial discrimination and look at poverty in a macro perspective rather than micro.
Who is Julius Wilson.
This former president's view on "colorblindness" is that everyone may not look the same; or come from the same place, but everyone has a story with common hopes.
Who is Barack Obama.
This talk show host believed Obamacare was a way to settle racial scores.
Who is Glenn Beck.
This President accepted Wilson's ideas.
Who is Bill Clinton.
To focus on causes that are more about economics rather than race.
What is the best way to get at persistent inequities.
It was 1970 when this Presidential advisor suggested that in order to steer away from racism in the United States we need a period of “benign neglect”.
Who is Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
This person was a former pastor for Barack Obama.
Who is Jeremiah Wright.
In this article, the author talks about the effort to help minorities through political policy.
What is The Rise and Triumph of Post-Racial Liberalism.
According to Wilson this was the solution to the economic plight of African-Americans and their communities.
What is a massive New-Deal type effort.
Evidence of racism and discrimination is almost entirely ignored in Wilson's most recent book.
What is "More Than Just Race".
Daniel Moynihan said we need to de-emphasize the issue of racism and discrimination and order for this to happen we need these policies.
What is policies that would be universal to low poverty communities and not target to blacks.
Affirmative Action is sometimes criticized for this reason.
What is offering jobs to only minorities.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was the advisor for these two presidents.
Who is Johnson and Nixon.
According to Wilson this is the cause of African-Americans being locked out of economic opportunities
What is the decline of manufacturing in urban areas and the shift to service sector jobs located in the suburbs.
Wilson conducted field research in this city where they witnessed multiple employers make blatantly racist comments to explain their refusal to hire black men.
What is Chicago.
This helped alter “white” attitudes to believe anti-poverty efforts as negative.
What is the mass media.
This was put into action by the U.S congress and signed by Obama as a response to the Great Recession.
What is The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
This type of war was to help poor areas and was in full force in the 1970s.
What is the war on poverty.
By the late 1980s this idea was in full swing.
What is post-racial liberalism.
The way that African-Americans in the cities are largely locked out of jobs.
What is spatial mismatch.
A philosophy that seems to hold, inexplicably, that one can either support public policy aimed directly at reducing racial disparity or public policy intended to benefit everyone, but not both.
What is post-racial liberalism.
The objective of this act was to save existing jobs and create news ones.
What is The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
This sociologist wrote "The Declining Significance of Race".
Who is Julius Wilson.