Vocabulary Words
Newton's 1st Law ??'s
Newton's 2nd Law ??'s
Newton's 3rd Law ??'s
The _________ of an object depends on the object's mass and velocity.
F= m x a
Newtons Second Law Formula
Describe what happens if you are riding a bike and hit something, like a curb, with the front wheels.
Your body will keep moving forward and fly off your skateboard since the curb only stops the board, not yourself.
Describe what happens if you try and push Mrs. Henkel, what happens if she pushes back?
According to Newton's Second Law, it states that if you put force on Mrs. Henkel, the force will be put back on you, because of Mrs. Henkel’s mass, you most likely will not have enough force to make her accelerate. If Mrs. Henkel pushed you, you most likely would move in the direction of the force since she has more mass.
What will happen if you let go of an untied balloon (according to Newton's 3rd law)/
Air will rush out of the balloon forcing the balloon to move through the air in the opposite direction, but equal in force.
An object is in _____ ____ only if gravity is pulling it down and no other forces are acting on it.
Free Fall
triangle v= g x t
Calculating Velocity Formula
What is another name for the first law of motion? Why is it given that name?
It is given that name because inertia is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion until an unbalanced force acts on it. That is the same thing that Newton’s first law states.
Describe Newton's Second Law.
Newton's Second Law says, " The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied."
Describe why a hunter will hold their gun next/on their shoulder.
When you pull the gun’s trigger, it forces the bullet out of the gun, but at the same time, the gun is forced in the opposite direction of the bullet (towards you). Your shoulder is a new force that is introduced in order to keep your gun from flying away from you.
_______ is the tendency of all objects to resist any change in motion.
p = m x v
Calculating Momentum Formula
An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Describe Newtons First Law.
What are two things Newton's Second Law (Acceleration) depend on?
Amount of Force applied and Mass.
How does Newton's 3rd law affect a game of tug-a-war?
The team pulls the rope towards themselves with a certain amount of force and the opposing team is also putting force on the rope. The same amount of force is applied from the ground to the people as they are putting on the ground.
__________ ______ is the curved path an object follows when it is thrown or propelled near the Earth's surface.
Projectile Motion
Sidney dropped a watermelon that weighed 12 kg and it was pulled down at an acceleration of 9.8m/s. Solve for the force. Show your work and formula.
F = m x a F = 12kg x 9.8m/s F = 117.6 m/s/s
What is another name for Newtons First Law?
Law of Inertia
Sidney pushes a 20kg cart with double the acceleration. Solve and Show formula.
F = m x a F = 20kg x 40 m/s F = 800m/s/s
What does Newton's 3rd law state?
Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal force.
The object then falls at a constant velocity called the ________ _______.
Terminal Velocity
Sierra dropped a stem of grapes at an acceleration 9.8m/s. The grapes weighed 1 kg. Solve for the force. Show your work and formula.
F= m x a F= 1kg x 9.8m/s F= 9.8 m/s/s
Explain how Newton's First Law affects Tug of War?
The rope will stay in the same place until the tugging starts because Newton's Law states, " Objects at rest will stay at rest."
Aubree has 5 fruits. They all weigh the same (2kg), but the orange was tossed with 50m/s of acceleration. Show your formula and solve.
F = m x a F = 2kg x 50m/s F = 100m/s/s
Something with more mass moving at the same acceleration as a lighter object would require more force to change its speed or change its direction.
Using Newton’s laws explain why heavier objects require more force than lighter objects to move or accelerate them?