The Disciples
The Disciples pt. 2
Life of Jesus
Life of Mary
This disciple would later betray Christ and hung himself in shame
Who is Judas Iscariot
This disciple is the rock on which Christ will build his church and one of the fishermen made a fisher of men. He's the founder of the church of Rome and the church of Antioch.
Who is Peter
This feast celebrated on January 6th is the day when Christ was baptized in the Jordan.
What is Epiphany/Theophany
The church refers to Mary as this term, meaning "God-bearer"
What is the Theotokos
This prophet is called the forerunner as he was the first the proclaim the coming of Christ. He lept in Elizabeth's womb when Mary came to visit.
Who is John the Baptist
This disciple of Christ was a tax collector who also wrote a gospel
Who is Matthew
This disciple is referred to as the "first-called". He's also a brother of Peter.
Who is Andrew
In the wilderness, Chris was tempted by this fallen angel
Who is the devil/satan
This event, celebrated as a feast of the church on March 25th, is when the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary to tell she will give birth to Christ.
What is the Anunciation
Though not one of the original 12, this apostle wrote 16 epistles
Who is Paul
These disciples were brothers. Their father was a fisherman named Zebedee
Who are James and John
These disciples were brothers. Their father was a fisherman named Zebedee
Who are James and John
Christ's first miracle, performed at the Wedding at Cana, was this
What is the Wedding at Cana
For the most of her childhood, Mary lived in this ancient Jewish house of prayer
What is the Temple
On the feast of St. Basil, this is the cake we bake
What is the vasiloptia
This disciple was a descendant of King David and wrote an epistle
Who is Jude
This disciple was present at the crucifixion of Christ. He also wrote a gospel, two epistles and the book of Revelations. He is the only disciple not to die a martyr's death.
Who is John
Following the Nativity, Joseph received a dream telling him and Mary to flee to this north African nation
What is Egypt
Mary was born to these parents
Who are Joakim and Anna
The scribes and Pharisees were scandalized when they saw Christ eating with these notorious sinners
Who are the tax collectors
This disciple would go on to preach the gospel in Galilee to the Jews that were living there
Who is Philip
This disciple was a zealot. Church tradition says he was also the groom at the Wedding at Cana
Who is Simon the Zealot
God the father proclaimed these words at the baptism of Christ
What is "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased"
At the crucifixion, Christ says of this disciple, "and here is your mother" making him caretaker of the the Theotokos until her repose
Who is John
This disciple wrote a protoevangelium or book that contains the story of the Nativity of the Theotokos and the Presentation of the Theotokos in the temple.
Who is James