Your pencil broke. The class is quietly taking a test.
When should you raise your hand?
Your friend gives you a toy or piece of candy.
Say thank you!
You feel happy that a friend invited you over their house.
Tell them you would enjoy that but check with a parent first.
Mom won't let you watch TV or play video games until your homework is finished.
Finish your homework right away so you can watch tv.
You don't understand your homework.
Ask mom or dad for help.
You don't understand a question on the test. You are afraid you will get it wrong.
Ask the teacher to ask the question in a different way.
A friend is humming when you are trying to finish your work.
a. Politely ask them to stop b. If they continue talk to the teacher c. Ask to go to a quiet room
You are frustrated that you have to write another journal entry...
Take a deep breath or get a drink of water. No matter how annoying the assignment seems, remember it is helping you become a better student. Get started on the assignment so it doesn't become homework!
Someone made your least favorite meal again...
Ask if you pick out dinner tomorrow. You can even volunteer to help make it!
You forgot to write down your homework.
Check the ASA website.
You forgot to bring your AR book to school. The teacher instructs the class to start reading.
a. ask to borrow a book from the library b. read the weekly story c. try to remember your book tomorrow
At recess, your friends are playing a game and you want to join.
a. Ask if you can play too! They might not know you like that game.
Mom is mad because you forgot to bring home your homework or AR book.
Apologize and use your checklist tomorrow.
You forgot to bring home your spelling list.
Check all of the pockets in your binder. See if you brought home your Journey's packet.
Someone is talking while you are trying to finish your work. They are really bothering you and you can't concentrate.
a.) ask if you can go to a quiet room to finish b.) politely ask your friend to lower their voice c.) If you ask and they do not comply, tell the teacher.
Someone says something mean about you and hurts your feelings.
a. talk to them when you are no longer angry. Explain that they hurt your feelings. If they continue to say unkind things to you, tell a teacher or a parent.
You are angry because someone broke the rules in gym.
Talk to your teacher. Take a break if you need it. Do not yell because you will be the one in trouble. Not the rulebreaker!
You broke your Mom's favorite lamp.
Tell her right away. Apologize and offer to help pay for it.
Your favorite episode of POkemon is starting in 10 minutes. Mom says you have to finish your word pyramids before you can start.
Ask if someone can record your favorite show for you. Ask if you can do half and finish after the show is over.
You have 4 tests to complete by the end of the day. You feel like you cannot possibly get all of your work done.
a. Talk to the teacher b. Ask to go to a quiet room. c. Take a deep breath and only worry about one test at a time.
Someone is standing way too close to you. You can smell the tacos they ate for lunch...(pew)
a. take a step backwards without seeming rude b. If they move in closer, tell them nicely that you need a little more space.
You feel sad because someone forgot to invite you to their party.
Ask them why they didn't invite you. They might have just lost your invitation. Remember you have plenty of other friends.
Mom said that you can't go to your favorite store today.
Ask when you can go. See if you can do something to help Mom have more time available to go.
You don't understand your homework and Mom can't help you finish.
Ask the teacher if they can help you during a special or recess. You will most likely see the same question on a test. You need to know how to answer the questions.