Author's Purpose
Context Clues
Drawing Conclusions
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
What is to Reflect on an Experience
You have to stop being so IMPETUOUS and start thinking things through before you act.
What is to act hastily or rash. To do something wothout thinking about it first.
She is so stuck up! I couldn't believe the way she looked at me.
What is first person
Mr. Jenkins began to speak in front of the audience. He hands were shaking and he could barely breath. How do you think he feels? What could you infer about Mr. Jenkins?
What is he is nervous about speaking in front of the audience.
My grandma was coming for a visit. My brother, Carlton , and I set the table. We carefully put a plate, glass and silverware at each plate. I taught Carlton how to line the forks on the left side of each plate. You can draw a conclusion that Carlton is younger than the narrator because: A) He wants the napkins to look elegant B) the narrator teachers him how to set the table C) he puts the forks on the right side
What is B
A paragraph about the Water Cycle in your Science Book
What is to inform
Limited knowledge of the Earth was an IMPEDIMENT for the people who made maps. They did not know all of the world's features.
What is an obstacle. They could not make a map of the Earth because they did not have a lot of knowledge of how the Earth really looked.
You can start by mixing in the flour with the eggs. Be sure to put the blender on low.
What is 2nd person
" I can do this" Mr. Jenkins thought to himself.He took a deep breath and continued his presentation. In time, smiles appeared on faces in the audience. When he finished his speech, Mr. Jenkins received enthusiastic applause. What details suggest that Mr. Jenkins is determined to succeed?
What is He tells himself, " I can do this!"
Grandma arrived by taxi and shared hugs all around. She gave us gifts from a bag labeled ORLY Airport-PARIS. Then, as we walked in the dining room, she said, " Oh, my, who set this beautiful table?" Why might you conclude that Grandma lived in France?
What is her bag was labeled PARIS
A novel about aliens from Venus or the story we've read "All Summer in a Day"
What is to entertain
Hey Ebony! Is there any food around here? I haven't eaten in a while so I am FAMISHED!!
What is starving or very hungry.
Lee Anna took her final exam in medical school. She is feeling nervous. The professor tells her not to worry because she is a superior student.
What is 3rd person.
Jason grabbed his glove and ball and hurried down the stairs into the kitchen. His friends were waiting for him at Oakwood Park. What could you infer that he is going to play?
What is baseball
The hair on your head grows in stages. Follicles actively produce hair for 3 to 6 years, then rest for about 3 months. There is an average of 100,000 hairs on the human head, and about 10% are resting at any given time. We lose about 70-100 hairs every day from our resting follicles. You can conclude that about 90% of the follicles on your head:
What is producing hair at this time
An ad in the newspaper about a sale at Belk's
What is to persuade
I was FLABBERGASTED when she told me that he went to jail.
What is shocked or astonished
Jordan's grandmother said," I can't believe you think I would do such a thing, Jordan." Jordan just sat there, shaking his head.
What is 3rd person
Our math teacher, Ms. Wilson, always comes up with really great ideas. For example, our assignment last weekend. We thought she would ask us to study for the upcoming test. Instead, she said, " Some of you have questioned our need to learn fractions and if we really use them." So...I want you to go on a fraction hunt. Could you infer that A) Ms. Wilson is a new teacher B) There's a math test coming up
What is B
Sometimes it seems your hair grows fast, but it normally grows less than 1/2 inch a month. Children's hair grows faster than adults' hair, and everyone's hair grows faster in winter!If it is winter, you can conclude that: A) Your hair is growing slower than it did last summer B) your hair is growing faster than it did last summer C) Your hair is growing the same as it did last summer
What is A
President Obama'a speech when he was running for the Presidency
What is to persuade
Tired of being DISENFRANCHISED, women fought a long battle to win the right to vote.
What is ignored, disrespected.
"You can't make me." "You bet I can!" The girls kept arguing back and forth until finally one walked away.
What is 3rd person
Over the past one hundred years, average temperatures on Earth have increased by 1.4 degrees F. Many scientist believe this warming trend will continue, and they are concerned. If it does continue, they say, Earth;s climate will change., and then life as we know it will change. Scientist call this phenomenon global warming. What can you infer from this passage? A) Rising temperatures on Earth do not matter B) Cars have little to do with global warming C) Most people aren't affect by deforestation
What is A
How do we know where one time zone starts and another ends? Picture the world as an orange. Time zones are divided by meridians--imaginary lines that run from North Pole to the South Pole. The meridians split the world into sections, like equal slices of an orange. The prime, or zero, meridian runs through Greenwich, England. By international agreement in 1884, that's been the starting point from which all time is calculated. What can you conclude from the words,by international agreement?
What is all the countries of the world use these time zones