Add & Subtract
Multiply & Divide
Logic & Probability
Subtract this number from 555 and you get 456.
What is 99?
What is the correct quotient for 200 / 100 = ?
What is 2.2?
You have 4 blue marbles and 1 red marble in your bag. You would need to add this many red marbles to the bag so that the probability of picking a red marble is one-half.
What is 3 marbles?
Unscramble these letters to find the name of a type of an angle. sebout
What is obtuse?
My favorite TV show starts at 7:30pm. It is now 4:50pm. I will have to wait this long for my show to begin.
What is 2 hours and 40 minutes?
Mr. Stapleton has $450. He gives $45.75 to his wife and his daughter. How much money does Mr. Stapleton have left?
What is $258.50?
196 / 6 contains a quotient with this remainder?
What is 4?
Brian likes to wear T-shirts and shorts. He has a blue T-shirts, a yellow T-shirt, and a pink T-shirt. He has khaki shorts and black shorts. Brian can wear this many different outfits.
What is 6 outfits?
The area of a square is 49 feet. This is the length of each side.
What is 7 feet?
Our new swimming pool is shaped like a rectangle. The width of the pool is 12 feet. The length is twice as long as the width. This is the perimeter of our pool.
What is 72 feet?
I drove my golf shot 283 yards. If the hole is 517 total yards, I still have this many more yards to go.
What is 234 yards?
8 basketball players were in a free-throw contest. They each shot 12 free-throws in 180 seconds. The basketball players shot this many free-throws altogether.
What is 96?
Luke, Pat, Carl and Stu are brothers. Pat is older than Carl. Stu is younger than Pat, but older than Luke. Carl is older than Luke, but younger than Stu. This is the order of boys from youngest to oldest.
Who are Luke, Carl, Stu and Pat?
I am filling a shoebox with 1" cubes that is 3" X 6" X 5". The shoebox will contain this many cubes?
What is 90 cubes?
My square picture frame is 8 inches long at the bottom. This is the area of the picture frame.
What is 64 sq. inches?
If x = 283.5, this number would go in the blank. x + 137.9 = _________
What is 421.4?
Mr. Stapleton made six dozen cookies for the bake sale. He sold each cookie for $0.50. By the end of the day there was one dozen cookies remaining. Mr. Stapleton made this much money at the bake sale.
What is $30?
Bodhi, Bella, and Peyton are my pets. Bodhi is 10 years old. Peyton is half Bodhi's age and one year older than Bella. Bella is this many years old.
What is 4?
I have a right triangle with one angle measuring 45 degrees. This is what my other two angles would be.
What are 90 and 45 degrees?
A football field is 120 yards long, including the two 10-yard end zones. Convert the measurement into feet.
What is 360 feet?
Brian earned $648.50 shoveling snow. He bought a new pair of snow skis for $388.95 and sunglasses for $48.32. Brian has this much money left.
What is $211.23?
842 X 12 is _______ 10,000. <, >, or =
What is >?
Adrienne is taller than Cassie. Rachel is taller than Adrienne and Amanda. Cassie is the shortest. This girl is the tallest.
Who is Rachel?
This shape has 5 equal sides and 5 equal angles.
What is a pentagon?
The rhinosaurus weighs one and a half tons. That would be this many pounds.
What is 3,000 pounds?