Sorority Business #1
Hearts That Are Loyal
Sorority Business #2
It's Always Central For Me
Sorority Business #3

The goal of this program is to provide 1,908,000 meals annually through chapter engagement.

What is CHIPP?


This has been the cornerstone of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. since 1908.

What is Sisterhood?


Silver, Gold, and Platinum Status

What is EAF level of Chapter Recognition?


Explores Central Region through interviews with sorority and community leaders to illuminate our collective mission.

What is the On Target Podcast


Recite by memory. Never print. Never recite in public. There is no “s” on the word strength

What is the Alpha Kappa Alpha Pledge


The focus of this initiative is voter education, registration, and mobilization. 

What is Advocate for Social Justice.


This is the belief that continuing to build a stronger sisterhood is the most powerful way to begin to take care of our community.

What is Strengthen Our Sisterhood?


This is designed to be used in conjunction with the Constitution and Bylaws

What is the Manual of Standard Procedure


This Soror in 1913 and 1914 established Central Region's two of the oldest chapters: Beta and Gamma

Who is Founder Beulah Burke


Soror should not sway when singing. When singing never follow by a “Skee-Wee”. Soror should not cross arms when singing in public

What is Alpha Kappa Alpha Official National Song/Hymn


This is the first Black-Owned, Woman-led sorority-based, digital banking financial institution in the History of the United States.

What is For Members Only Credit Union?


This activity encourages sorors to pair up with a soror from a different region to build relationships and coordinate meetups at conferences. 

What is AKA Pals?


These are four key areas of risk.

What is hazing, reputational, operational, and financial.


Platform Launching New Dimensions of Service and the 29th International President and CEO 

Who is Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson


Attire for the following Rituals: Chapter Chartering. Candidate and New Member Ceremonies. Ivy Beyond the Wall. Induction of Honorary Members

What is conservative, solid, seasonal white dress, or skirt suit with sleeves, flesh-ton or white hosiery, white shoes


This must not be reproduced under any conditions without the written permission of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office. Reproduction without permission is a legal infringement and the violator is subject to prosecution

What is the Coat of Arms/Sorority Crest


This is an expression and a tool to promote sorors' love of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 

What is the Sisterhood Sash?


There shall be no: Phones. Electronic devices. Live streaming or recording

What is conducting business meetings and or rituals


This was established in 2022 as an exclusive members-only society of sorors who are committed to going above in their support of the Central Region.

What is the 1919 Society?


Not to be transformed into another piece of jewelry: Not to be worn with slacks. Not to be worn with sports attire. Not to be worn with a hat

What is Alpha Kappa Alpha Badge


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rule of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order adopted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

What is Parliamentary Authority


This is an intentional verb

What is Sisterhood?


We, as college women, being aware of the increasing complexity of women’s problems, especially those of Negro women, and realizing the necessity of forming an organization for the purpose of studying and solving such problems, do therefore organize this Sorority in order to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, improve the social stature of the race, promote unity and friendship among college women, and keep alive within graduates an interest in college life and progressive movement emanating therefor.

What is the Preamble


In this year the first deliberative Boule with 3 territories were established in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Eastern, Central, and Western.

What is 1919?


The responsibility of the Basileus. Notify the Regional Director. Contact the family. The table shall be covered with white tablecloth. Pink tea roses. Refrain from talking, whispering, humming or singing. Active or Inactive Sorors can participate

What is Ivy Beyond the Wall Ceremony