The monkey in the movie, The Lion King, is named
Who is Rafiki
The passage: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son" is in this book
What is John
This is a game show where two families compete, and it is hosted by Steve Harvey.
What is Family Feud
This Noble Gas fills most party balloons.
What is Helium
This is the amount of minutes a watch will lose in 24 hours if it loses 10 seconds an hour
What is 4 minutes
The organization of Nazis, run by the viscous Red Skull
What is Hydra
Besides gold and frankincense, this was the third gift from the wise men for baby Jesus.
What is myrrh
This singing competition was cancelled in 2015 after 15 seasons.
(Double Jeopardy)
What is American Idol
This planet is the closest to the sun, which is also the name of an element.
What is Mercury
Mechanical device for fixing the speed at which a piece of music should be played
What is metronome
Name the very first Disney movie
(Double Jeopardy)
What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
A book of the Bible is named for this widow of Mahlon & ancestor of David
Who is Ruth
Who are Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles?
Who are the Powerpuff girls
Animals which eat both plants and animals are known as this.
What are omnivores
Literary device in which the literal meaning of the word is the opposite of the intended
(Double Jeopardy)
What is irony
It's a deadly mistake to underestimate this former Soviet spy
Who is Black Widow
What city was Saul drawing near to when 'suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven`?
(Double Jeopardy)
Where is Damascus
In the show Stranger Things, what was revealed to be Eleven's real name?
Who is Jane
This bone is the biggest in your body and is also considered the most painful bone to break.
What is femur
What NFL team hired the first cheerleaders in 1972?
What are the Cowboys
An ancient cube of energy once owned by Odin: also known as the Cosmic Cube
What is the Tesseract
Book before Jonah
In the show Friends, who is the youngest Friend?
Who is Rachel
The study of plants is known as this.
(Double Jeopardy)
What is botany
What is the state tree of Connecticut
What is White Oak