Billionaire Space Race
Fermented Things
Neckbeard Movies
Female British Authors

After founding PayPal and Tesla, this visionary and plastic surgery nightmare turned his eyes and his funds to the stars, founding the company SpaceX.

Who is Elon Musk (aka Elongated Muskrat)?


This South American currency has been experiencing uninterrupted inflation since 1983, reaching 10,000,000% at the end of 2019.

What is the Venezuelan Bolivar?


The earliest evidence of this fermented beverage was found in the Raqefet Caves near Haifa, Israel, dating back 13,000 years.

What is beer?


This film stars Hugo Weaving in the eponymous role, yet we never glimpse his face. 

What is V for Vendetta?


This beloved children's author fell off the Forbes billionaire list due to her generous charitable contributions.

Who is JK Rowling?


This bald billionaire, apparently having run out of things to do with his money, now amuses himself by funding Blue Origin, a space exploration company devoted to sending embarrassingly phallic rockets into the cosmos.

Who is Jeff Bezos?


Introduced in the North in 1946, this phallic currency was not adopted in the South until 1975.

What is the Vietnamese Dong?


This fermented drink, made from fermenting sugared tea with a culture of bacteria and yeast, is a favorite among bougie Portland hippies and yoga moms.

What is Kombucha?


While it's starring actor received the academy award for best actor, the film was passed up for best picture in favor of a foreign film, enraging neckbeards across the internet.

What is Joker?


This author completed her first novel in 1803, but it was not published until after her death in 1817, by which time she had already created her most iconic character: Mr. Darcy.

Who is Jane Austen?


This billionaire Brit, founder of Virgin Atlantic Airlines and Virgin Records, now owns the space tourism company (you guessed it) Virgin Galactic. 

Who is Richard Branson?


This European currency abandoned the gold standard in 1914, reintroduced it in 1925, and then abandoned it again in 1931. 

What is the British pound?


This fermented German cabbage dish was renamed "victory cabbage" in the United States during World War I to discourage German nationalism.

What is Sauerkraut?


This iconic film, starring John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, and Uma Thurman, is filmed out of chronological order, which is, like, so deep, man.

What is Pulp Fiction?


The oldest and last to die of these famed literary sisters, this author published under the pseudonym Currer Bell. 

Who was Charlotte Bronte?


This Russian tech mogul and physicist backs the Breakthrough Starshot project for an interstellar probe. 

Who is Yuri Milner?


This currency, meaning "little weight" in the local language, was replaced in 2002 by the Euro.

What is the Spanish peseta? 


This fermented Korean vegetable dish was traditionally stored in jars underground to keep it cool in the summer but prevent it from freezing in the winter.

What is Kimchi?


The most iconic scene in this 2000 film involves Christian Bale talking about the beauty of Huey Lewis and the News while about to decapitate someone.

What is American Psycho?


Born Mary Ann Evans, this author wrote under this male pseudonym to publish several novels including Middlemarch (1872).

Who is George Eliot?


There are only 4 billionaires currently participating in the billionaire space race, so I'll ask about sort of related: 

This Yaroslavl native became the first woman to orbit the earth in 1963.

Who is Valentina Tereshkova?


A currency of this name has been in use since the 14th century, but it was re-denominated in 1998 after a substantial devaluation.

What is the Russian ruble?


This fermented milk drink originated in Eastern Europe and the North Caucasus, but is now found in most United States grocery stores with all manner of fruit flavors.

What is kefir?


This anime--the original anime some might say--about a biker with telekinetic powers is possibly cyberpunk, but you wouldn't understand, normie.

What is Akira?


In addition to writing and illustrating children's books about a mischievous rabbit and a grumpy gardener, this multi-talented woman was a natural scientist and a conservationist. 

Who is Beatrix Potter?