Who was the group that spoke to LEEP last week ?
Who is Project Grad
What was Mr. Carroll's LEEP Session called-
What is Professional Communication
Pre Sessions and Telecommuting Assignments (TA) are due by -
What is Saturday @ 8 AM
what is look at all those chickens
What does FAFSA stand for ?
What is Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Communication is -
What is the exchanging of information between two people.
What needs to remain on at all times (except in cases of emergencies)
What is a camera
" i aint never seen two pretty best friends - "
what is " it's always one of them gotta be ugly. "
What is the maximum amount of money FAFSA can offer ?
What is $6,345
The different types of communication are -
What are Verbal, Non Verbal, Aural, Written, and Visual
If expected absence, what should you do -
What is emailing leepinterns@gmail.com and/or text or call the staff.
____ _____ killed her husband , whacked him ...
who is Carole Baskin
The difference between a Subsidized Loan and an Unsubsidized Loan is -
What is Subsidized Loan = No Interest and an Unsubsidized Loan = Interest
What is the most effective communication -
What is when all 5 forms of communication are being used.
What occurs when TA's aren't submitted on time?
What is not being able to join sessions
who painted the Mona Lisa ...
who is DAVINKI ??????
What is the last day to submit your FAFSA for the year 2020 - 2021
When is June 30th, 2020
The barriers in professional communication are -
What are expectations, stereotypes, attitudes, and distractions.
" give criticism constructively and receive criticism graciously " is a part of -
what are the community agreements
what is kim , there's people that are dying.