Burned at the Stake
Terms in the Old Catholic Church
"Great" Lakes
Altered States
You're Getting Very Sleepy

An influential victim of the Inquisition, she was burned at the stake for her beliefs and so-called treason on May 30, 1431

Who is Joan of Arc


The Roman Catholic Church intended to root out heretics by killing roughly 32,000 Muslims, Jews and various non-believers; it has come to be known as this

What is the Inquisition


Niagara Falls is a phenomenon that occurs when one of these lakes drains into another

What is Lake Erie and Lake Ontario


Old Fair

What is Florida


This piece of camping gear can be mummy, tapered, or rectangular

What is a Sleeping Bag


Upon hearing he would be executed he said; "You may kill a weak goose [His name is Czech for "goose"], but more powerful birds, eagles and falcons, will come after me"

Who is Jan Hus


In 1059, the College of this mid-western bird was organized for the purpose of electing popes

What is a Cardinal


This lake is home to the worlds largest freshwater sand dunes

What is Lake Michigan


A Frail Icon

What is California


He's the Shakespearean character who muses, "...In that sleep of death, what dreams may come..."

Who is Hamlet


John Frith was burned alive on this American Holiday in 1533 for saying that neither purgatory nor transubstantiation could be proven by Holy Scriptures

What is July, 4


The process of selling church offices to the highest bidder, named after Simon Magus mentioned in Acts 8:9-24

What is Simony


The basin of this lake covers more than 380,000 sq. miles in Australia

What is Lake Eyre


Sumo Iris

What is Missouri


Robert Frost wrote, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have" this obligation "and miles to go before I sleep"

What is Promises to Keep


On somewhat flimsy charges, as it was not illegal to translate the Bible if in the Netherlands, he was seized in 1535, strangled and then burned for so called "heresy"

Who is William Tyndale


This synonym for monk comes from the Latin word for "brothers"

What is a Friar


The world's largest inland body of water, this lake is also known as the world's largest lake or a full-fledged sea

What is the Caspian Sea


Saw Nothing

What is Washington


These brain waves produced during deep sleep are named for the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet

What are Delta Waves


Avvakum, a priest who was burned alive, in a wooden house, with many of his followers, was of this nationality

What is Russian


It's definition; "A Christian sacrament in which a member of the Church confesses sins to a priest and is given absolution"

What is Penance


Lake Tanganyika, the 6th largest lake in the world by area, touches Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Zambia, and the country of this flag;

What is Tanzania


Ear Banks

 What is Nebraska


A term for a prolonged state of deep unconsciousness; It comes from the Greek for "deep sleep"

What is a Coma