phoebe boof-ay
not at all therapy related!!!

what does TIPP stand for?

temperature, intense exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, paced breathing


everyone on your team has to say 2 positive affirmations about themselves :) 

extra 100 points if you stand at the front of the room!! anxiety exposure!!!!!!



someone on your team has to demonstrate the defusion technique "silly voices" or "sing your thoughts"

brooke judges


what is a way each of you (on your team) can do the A in ABC this weekend?

accumulate positive emotions/experiences - anything that does that for you!!! (that's healthy obvi)


What disappears as soon as you say its name?



what does AWARE stand for?

accept/acknowledge, wait and watch, action, repeat, end.


someone in your group has to come to the front of the room and teach everyone a breathing skill!!!

Brooke judges


someone on your team has to come up and do an anxiety exposure (nose goes) - opposite team chooses exposure

brooke judges (so sorry for this one)


everyone on your team has to give me something that they can do the B in ABC for

build mastery - hobbies, etc.


I have keys, but no locks and space, and no rooms. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I?

a keyboard


what does IMPROVE stand for?

extra 100 points: what type of skill is it? 

Imagery, meaning, prayer, relaxation, one thing in the moment, vacation, encouragement



someone in your group has to come up to the front of the room and teach a grounding skill!!!

Brooke judges


name one of the rejection exposures the guy used in 100 days of rejection (i don't remember his name...)

brooke judges


everyone on your team has to come up to the front of the room and name 3 things that you value and at least one thing you currently do that connects you with a value of yours :)

brooke judges <3


A is the brother of B. B is the brother of C. C is the father of D. So how is D related to A?

A is D’s uncle.

what type of skill is self-soothe and what are 5 things you can put in a self-soothe box?
crisis - brooke judges the rest :)

What is the point in making a self-soothe box?

to cope ahead/have crisis skills accessible to us when we are in stressful places/situations.

What is a body-scan meditation? Why is it good for people who struggle being able to use meditation as a coping skill?

It involves more distraction than typical meditation techniques - it allows you to focus more vs. other meditation styles that may make your mind continue to wander, etc. 


what does ABC stand for AND what type of skill is it/where would it go on our emotion ladders?

accumulate positive emotions/experiences, build mastery, connect with values

emotional regulation skill (should be trying to use it every day)!!! annnnnd it would go in our safe zone!


What are the next three letters in this combination? OTTFFSS



You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?

they were all married <3


Name 3 warning zone skills on an anxiety/anger ladder

opposite action, moment to pause, GIVE/FAST, etc.


A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?

Four sisters and three brothers.


what won March Gladness yesterday?

I was just curious.


You're escaping linden oaks and there are 3 doors in front of you. The door on the left leads to a raging fire, the door in the center leads to an assassin, the door on the right leads to a lion that hasn't eaten in three months - which door do you choose?

If the lion hasn't eaten in 3 months he would be......... RIP ......... therefore, the right door.