Though typically depicted as scaly Lizards, most Dinosaurs had this lining their bodies
What are feathers?
This little guy is scared of balloons.
Who is Leo?
This Character has been the main protagonist of this series and has a Pikachu as a companion.
Who is Ash Ketchum?
This Author is known for rhyming with this and with that.
This author is known for the cat in the hat.
Who is Dr Seuss?
This delicious meal can be eaten in the following stages of doneness: Rare, Medium Rare, Medium and Well done.
What is Steak?
This Dino gets its name from three horns that protruded from its skull.
What is Triceratops?
This Siberian dog is known for striking a strong resemblance to a wolf.
What is a Husky?
This team originally consisted of two humans and a meowth and their goal was to steal the show's main Pikachu.
What is team Rocket?
This author wrote a series of books following a Demi-God and his friends at camp Half Blood.
Who is Rick Roirdan?
Usually served as a side dish, this leafy green dish usually has lettuce as it's base.
What is a Salad?
This Winged dinosaur had a thin beak that matched the back of its head.
What is Pterodactyl?
This Fancy German dog is known for its poofy hair and slim features.
What is a poodle?
The name Pokemon is a shortened version of these 2 words and is meant to represent the titular Pokemons.
What are pocket monsters?
Who is Robert Munsch?
These yellow fruits are technically part of the berry, despite looking nothing like traditional berries.
what are bananas?
This large underwater dinosaur bares a striking resemblance to a modern day killer whale?
What is a Basilosaurus ?
This dog shares a name with a famous musical artist from Miami.
What is a Pitbull?
This Pokemon is the only one of his kind, being able to evolve into multiple evolution types.
Who is Eevee?
This author is known for inventing the magical Hogwarts and all it's Spellbinding students.
Who is JK Rowlling?
Eggplant, Zucchini, Bell Peppers, and Tomatoes are sliced thin and heavily seasoned to create this dish that shares it's name with a Pixar movie.
What is Ratatouille?
What is the T-Rex?
This is the term used to refer to a batch of bran new puppies.
What is a Litter?
Who is Jigglypuff?
This Female writer became known for her "Who Done it" Mystery style of story telling.
Who is Agatha Christie?
This Mexican inspired dish shares its name with a Donkey.
What is a Burrito?