A bear family encourages you to "enjoy the go" with this product.
The word "do" in "I Am a Child of God" was originally what word?
Civil rights leader whose body lies in state at the U.S. Capitol and the author of Alice in Wonderland.
John Lewis Carroll
The last section of the Doctrine and Covenants
Section 138
The Jeopardy GOAT
Ken Jennings
Who is Flo's nerdy colleague in Progressive car insurance ads?
According to the Deseret News, what was the #1 most requested song to be added to the new hymnal?
"Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
Famous American drag queen and a star of The Great British Bake Off
Ru Paul Hollywood
One of the chapters in this week's Come Follow Me readings.
Alma 39-42
Alec Trebek's current sickness
Pancreatic Cancer
What decade did Nike's "Just Do It" ad campaign start?
In this clearly pro-union song, the first line reads, "The world has need of willing men who wear the workers' seal." What is the name of this hymn?
"Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel"
Pudge that flops over your waistband and a cheery Irish greeting
Muffin top o' the morning
The math sounding book in the Old Testament.
The decade that the Jeopardy gameshow debuted on television.
The 1960s
What product did Lil Naz X promote in a 2020 Super Bowl ad?
Finish this line from the hymn, "In Our Lovely Deseret": . . ."Drink no liquor and we eat but a very little meat" ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.
We are seeking to be great and good and wise.
The capital of Haiti and a villain in The Princess Bride
Port au Prince Humperdink
The 6th book in the New Testament
Steve's cousin who won $83,000 on Jeopardy and $1,000 on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
Richard Rosenlof
The 1st TV commercial ever aired in 1941 before a Brooklyn Dodgers game. It cost $9 and lasted 10 seconds. The company was Bulova. What product was being advertised?
Which hymn used to include the line,"The world has no use for the drone" but was edited to send a kinder message, "Love's labor has merit alone"?
"Have I Done Any Good?"
The seventh U.S. President and a resort town in Wyoming
Andrew Jackson Hole
The 3 books in the Book of Mormon that have 4 letters in the names.
Enos, Omni, Alma
Only 8 of 11,000 of these have appeared on the first line of questions (or more correctly questions) on Jeopardy boards since 2001.
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