Customer Service Skills
Customer Service Skills
Customer Service Skills
Customer Service Skills
Customer Service Skills

“I appreciate your time sharing with me this concern. Currently, our program doesn't have this ability however, I will note it and pass along the feedback …”  

What is saying no 


"John , I'll be happy to walk through this with you and trouble shoot the issue. I think I have some ideas, but we'll need to try a few things. Are you OK with sitting in front of your computer and helping me through this?"

What is setting expectation


"I need about 10 minutes of your time to go over the picture day details. Is now a good time? 

Upfront contract


" 100% guaranteed"

What is customer satisfaction


"I want to be sure I don't miss any details, I may need to pause to make notes. Would that be ok?"

What is showing attentive listening


" I know exactly how that feels I've had something similar happen to me".

What is empathy statement


“I can completely relate to it. It’s always a bad experience when something like this happens. We’re sorry for that and we hope this is never repeated again.”

What is empathy with apology


"I understand. Tell me this - if you were me, what would you do?

What is questioning technique


"Your company rules are ridiculous"

What is sometimes rules are meant to be broken (when it makes sense)


 “Hey Kirsten, we feel bad for the unpleasant experience you had to go through. We’re sorry and we can confirm the earliest solution to your problem.”  

 What is apologzing


" I'm sorry we missed the 3 students today who were not on the buyers list. I know they will be disappointed we won't be able to  return. To avoid this in future, I will make John, your sales rep aware so he can discuss changing to Photo all with your administration "

What is how to handle BO  


“How would you like the situation to be resolved?”

What is hearing the customer out 


"It sounds like we have given you incorrect information. For that, I apologize. I will share with management so that the individuals can be trained. Our only option was the picture day that has passed."

What is when an employee gives incorrect information


"Your new Share site is too hard to use"

What is what not to do when assisting with tech issues


“Thanks, Allan for bringing this up. Your problem is genuine. However, I need to check with my team to update you on this further. Could you please hold on for few seconds while I check?

What is how to place a customer on hold


" I'm really glad you brought this to my attention. I'd like to see if we can accomodate  your request. I will need to review with photography team. Would it be okay for me to call you back this afternoon?"

What is setting expectation for follow up


"I want to help with your request however, this task doesn't align with my availability to assist at this. Have you ran that by ...____?"

 What is how to tell a coworker no


 “I can hear that you are upset, and I want to help. Will you explain your concern to me please?” 

 What is diffusing angry customer


"Your programs don't work"  


  "I understand that the group images have taken some time to fix. I share your frustration. Let discuss your request for refunding the images with the team and see what we can do. Would it be okay to follow up this afternoon? 

What is setting expectation for resolution/follow up


“I can completely relate to it. It’s always a bad experience when something like this happens. We’re sorry for that and we hope this is never repeated again.”

what is empathy


It's not personal -Stay calm, apologize, be empathetic, let them vent, stay firm, propose a solution. 

What is how to handle an angry customer


"Though we cannot support your requested date for photography we can offer the day after or two days before. Which would you prefer?

What is saying no with options


"I am so frustrated with your company!"

 What is a reminder that you're often the person that can turn a customer bad day around"


"I am sorry for this inconvenience. We aim to provide excellent service and try our best to make sure items reach you in perfect/correct condition. Sometimes mistakes happen but I will get this fixed right now. "

What is wrong or damaged order