This philosopher came up with the trolley problem among other contributions
Philippa Foot
What attention does
What is change your vision on something or someone?
The main issue of morality
What is ego?
Artist who you were devastated to see pass away
Who is John Lennon?
Austrian philosopher who you ran into while teaching at Cambridge in 1947
Who is Ludwig Wittgenstein?
What the fire in Plato's cave allegory represents
What is the self?
The cure to ego
What is love and just attention?
Band you wanted to re-name to "Poets Laureate"
Who are The Beatles?
Philosopher who tried to stop Oxford from giving US President Truman an honorary degree
Who is Elizabeth Anscombe?
What perfection does to us
What is inspiring love in the most worthy part of us?
The reason why ego is bad
What is fantasy?
Newspaper that ranked you 12th on their list of the top 50 English writers since 1945
What is The Times?
One of your biggest influences in terms of moral philosophy
Who is Simone Weil?
The meaning of "The Good"
What is the absolute perfect object of our love?
The basis of a moral life
What is attention and vision?
The title that Queen Elizabeth II gave you for your contributions to literature
French philosopher you brought into the English speaking world through your work
Who is Jean-Paul Sartre?
The unity of ___ is called the single good
What are virtues
The enemies to moral thinking
What is social convention and neurosis?
A band that was "sufficiently androgynous" to please you
Who are the Rolling Stones?