What instrument I play
What is vViolin?
Private lessons teacher
What is MrS. Luzovyy couugh
What orch wigg trying out for (cmon guys)
Fav beverage bvro this is easy
What is Cccoffe
Is megh cool
QWhat game I play
What is Minecraft Multiplayer hehe
Does wigg belong in phil
What is NO, LEGACYY!!!
Pinneaple Pizza? (not ur opinion, cookei)
What is IDRC it tastes mid
Top 3 food (GUESS AT LEAST 2)
Wigg cut better than Arpan cut? (no offense cookei)
What is "D'oh", agreed upon by 99.99% of 7th grade and Yashwant Katuri too lmao. Neil Patil said it looked the same liek qwhat??
How many global minecraft servers is wigg ranked #1 in? (ur prob wrong yk im not a sweat)
What is 9 servers lol
What chair did wigg make in all region
What is 45 BVROO I WAS 5 chairs oFFF
ABout how long ago do you think wigg remembered his bday was coming up (lol happens every year)
What is 2 weeks LMAO pls dont judje me XD
Fav soda
What is Cherry Coke or Cherry Dr.Pepper
What is wigg known for
what is idk and idrc people have their opinions man
Wigg math grade (ez flex)
What is 100
Which teachers' Opp (multiple ofc. arent we all?)
What is Mrs.Madden, Mrs. Malakapalli, Mrs. KAKIIRSER, Mrs. Stevens, Coach London (old person), Mrs. Worman (even older person). Mr. Fasang is mid, Ms. Lien and Mrs. Kim are cooool
Wigg Nickname in tennis (just guess man Ishaan Patel made it up sighh)
What is Eddie, from DUmb and Dumber (Hitesh is Crash or Krash idk how to spell it)
Who is wiggs cookie distributor/sponsor
Score out of seven for last year District SOlo
What is 7/7 obviously and no negative comments. It will be the same this year lol
What is Daark red or mMaroon
Wigg GT grade (rounded so idrc decimal)
What is 92 (I TRY OK!)
Who is wigg doing quartet with (all members)
What is Chase-oh, Vedant, Justin, (and ofc the queen)
Why does wigg sit at table 18
What is free food
FAv boarrd gamames? (two answers idk just guess)
What is Risk and Ticket to Ride