Complete the meme
"Do you know da-
this person wears sweatshirts in 80 degree weather
Tracer's real name
Lena Oxton
Who did the 9/11s
Obama bin laden's cool kid club
This was the named location closest to the direct center of the map
Dusty Depot
Complete the meme
"I like ya cut-
F o r t h e
l a s t t i m e,
what is torbjorn's nationality
what is the worst thing that could possibly happen in 2021
2020 2 coming in 2021
This was the first holiday to have a themed event for battle royale
This character was a popular january meme in 2019
B i g C h u n g u s
These (two) people got sucked up by the dust devil at gms
Wyatt and Trevor
Bastion has this many bullets in a single magazine
our fallen brother Aidan Brenner lived on this street
Glenwood Drive
When the missile launched in season 4, one of the thrusters fell off and landed in this location
Anarchy Acres
The pair of food and drink paired with the "MLG" meme
Mountain Dew and Doritos
This person threw up on Meghan Medina in first grade
This escort map is "ideal for hamsters"
can i preorder 2021
Before the battle pass, you unlocked cosmetics by gaining season xp. When you reached level 35 in season one, you were rewarded with this
"Raiders Revenge" harvesting tool
These were the popular black and white memes of the early 2010's
Rage Comics
This movie was usually played the day before Christmas vacation in gms
The Polar Express
Reinhardt says this terrible pun in the animated short, "Zero Hour"
"ice to meet you"
This is Billy Joel's best song
no ryan you're wrong it's The Stranger