whats the name of the main character in harry pooter
harry potter
what color is a banana
what artist has the most monthly listeners on spotify
the weekend
what is the best selling book of all time
the bible
This French pastry is made from layers of buttery dough, often filled with almond paste or cream, and shaped into a crescent.
a croissant
what is the name of the ship that sank in titanic
what is a apple grown on
a apple tree
what is the most streamed genre
hip hop
what is the best selling childrens book of all time
the little prince
This frozen dessert, made from milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings, was first created in China over a thousand years ago.
ice cream
what is the name of the main otobot in transformers
optimus prime
what color is a grapefruit
what rapper has the most monthly listeners
kendrick lamar
who is the most famous author of all time
william shakespear
This popular dessert, often served during celebrations, is made with layers of cake and icing, and is traditionally decorated with flowers or figurines.
a wedding cake
what is the name of the female ogre in shrek
do watermelons grow from a tree or a the ground
the ground
what is the country artist with the most monthly listeners
morgan wallen
what is the name of the famous book series about greek mytholagy
percy jackson
This classic cookie, made with oats, raisins, and cinnamon, is often enjoyed with a glass of milk
an oatmeal raisin cookie
what was the qoute that forest gumps mother said to forest when he was a child
My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”
what color is a jackfruit
lime on the outside yellow on the inside
what rock artist has the most monthly listeners on spotify
what is the first recorded book
The Epic of Gilgamesh
This frozen dessert on a stick is made with fruit juice and often features chunks of fruit inside.
a popsicle