From the Megilah
Tradition! Tradition.
Hamentaschen & Friends
The Real Spiel
They Tried to Kill Us

When she wouldn't dance for him and his friends, the King of Persia exiled her.

Who is Vashti?


During Purim, whenever you hear this name, make sure to boo and shake your groger.

What is Haman?


Latke's and Donuts are classic Hannukah foods because of their connection to this miracle.

What is Oil?


In this recent 2022 Spiel, Esther learns that her Jewish heritage has given her the power to turn into a giant animal.

What is Turning Red?


The eternal foe of the Jewish people, Amalek is said to have taken the form of this Purim villain

Who is Haman?


Haman's hatred for the Jews all stems from this event.

What is Mordecai not bowing to him?


Even though she holds a small part in the Purim story, this woman has recently become something of a feminist icon.

Who is Vashti?


The Hebrew word for Hamentashcen, Oznei Haman, comes from this of Haman's.

What is ear?


In this 1964 Spiel, Mordecai needs a nanny to take care of his cousin, and luckily enough, the perfect one floats her way down to his house.

What is Mary Poppins?


During the Holocaust, Polish Jews were forced to go to Auschwitz, the most well known of these.

What are concentration camps?


In the original text of the megilah, her name was Hadassah.

Who is Esther?


We deliver these bags of treats to to our friends and neighbors for the holiday.

What are Mishloach Manot?


Cholent is a traditional Jewish stew that cooks over night, so that cooking doesn't have to be done on this holiday.

What is Shabbat?


In this 1990 spiel, King Achasvueros is left in the castle while Haman goes on a Christmas trip, leaving him to fend for himself against Bigthan and Terresh.

What is Home Alone?


This Inquisition was troublesome for the Jews, making sure that even those that converted to Christianity weren't safe.

What is Spanish?


Mordecai overhears Bigthan and Terresh conspiring to do this.

What is kill the king?


Even though Esther asked the Jews to do this, Jews today don't take part in the tradition for Purim.

What is fasting?


Various fish like carp, pike, and whitefish are all ground up into this classic Ashkenazi appetizer.

What is gefilte fish?


In this 2008 Spiel, Esther finds evidence that one of three men may actually be her cousin, so she invites them to her family's island.

What is Mamma Mia?


When the Greeks desecrated the holy temple, they built an alter to this, and forced Jews to worship it.

Who is Zeus?


When the Jews triumphed, they killed Haman, as well as this many of his sons.

What is 10?


On Purim, adults are commanded to be this, so that they can't tell the difference between Mordecai and Haman.

What is Drunk?


The Passover Seder plate must always include these 5 food items.

What are green vegetables, haroset, bitter herb, shank bone, and egg?


In this 1987 Spiel, Mordecai seeks out Haman, the six fingered king's advisor, who killed his father.

What is the Princess Bride?


On tisha be'av, we fast in order to remember the destruction of these.

What is the First and Second temple?